Clubbing Si
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Dani Babyboo
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What does ClubTheWorld mean to me?
What does ClubTheWorld mean to me?
ClubTheWorld and 2 others reacted to Dani Babyboo for a blog entry
3 pointsOK where to start. So I started clubbing around 2001 when a good friend I worked with took me to a Trance event in Milton Keynes. I met some really great people and found my love of the music. Trance came first and then Hard House. A year on I was pregnant and gave up for a while losing contact with anyone I met. Being a single mum I found it difficult to meet new people especially those with a love for the music and the bug to go out and dance. I found CTW and wrote my first post on January 25th 2003. I was looking for like minded people and new friendships but what I found was a whole lot more. There was drama, passion, friendships and even love. I met some fantastic people through this website and have stayed friends with many of them despite us all growing up and leading our normal lives. Many of us settling down, marrying and having children. I met my first real love and many of my real friendships through this website and had some fantastic times and a whole host of memories that have lasted. I met DJ's, Producers, visited cities and clubs I had never been to before, experienced weekenders and without CTW I never would have had all that, It was a place where you did not need local friends to go to a club with because we all met up before the events and went together. Everyone was so welcoming and real friendships were formed. My hope is that this place can be that once again, Maybe not for us old timers who for many cant go out as often as we would like but to give the new generation the same thing we all had. Organised meetups which were safe and welcoming, friendships so you didn't feel alone, romances and love. We were one big family There was also plenty of arguments, hatred, nastiness, heart break, etc. Some of which I had a big part of but I had real friendships and some of those friendships have lasted the past 16 years. For the parts I played and I think there was plenty I am sorry Like many I was young, naive and pretty messed up in the head at the time. At the same time I had support through some of the darkest times, No one turned their back on you and they told you if you was out of line even if you didn't want to hear it. CTW was a safe place for me and the people I met will always hold a special place in my heart. I hope all the new people who read this can get the same experience as I had because without all of the CTW family I would not be the person I am now. So I was about to name everyone but there are too many to list so to all those over the years Thank you for the memories, For kicking my butt into touch, for putting up with me and for the lasting friendships ever since. Because truly you do not know what it means to me. Now I will shut up cause I cant half talk some waffle, That certainly hasn't changed.3 points -
Original ClubTheWorld Mission Statement (November 2001)
Below is the original ClubTheWorld welcome message / mission statement from November 2001, it was simply these words which pulled in the very first members (Kev, Tara, Sarah, Si ...) who found this statement touched a nerve as they fell into exactly the same category as me. They wanted to find new, real, clubbing mates - not just acquaintances, people they could meet up with week after week for a guaranteed awesome night out whenever they chose to. Knowing they didn't have to share any personal details - they just needed to remember the web site name, they could then chat, view photos and arrange the next event safely. Welcome Dedicated Clubbers ! Run out of reliable clubbing mates ? Bored of visiting the same old local bar/club ? Mates always letting you down at the last minute ? Can't find friends into the same music genres as you ? Find you just have to go out clubbing every weekend ? If you fall into any of these categories then you've come to the right place! These are exactly the reasons this site exists!!! And here is the original Homepage from back then 2001.ClubTheWorld.uk Note: back in 2001 we didn't have any Smartphones!, we had to sit down at a desktop (or a laptop if you were lucky) ... ... to be continued ... Original 2001 Website Homepage2 points
My Music Production Hardware & Software
Current Hardware Apple Macbook Air (2020) 13.3", M1, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, Space Grey Dell Alienware M17 Laptop KRK Rokit 5 Monitors (White) (awesome) Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6 (awesome, although I have previous model) Maschine MK3 (unbelievably awesome) Novation LaunchKey 61 Yamaha Motif ES-8 (best weighted keyboard I've ever had) Current Software Native Instruments Komplete Ultimate 14 (unbelievably awesome) Ableton Live 10 Lite / Intro (awesome - will definitely upgrade to either Standard or Suite soon ...) Steinberg Cubase Elements 10 FL Studio 20 (Note: lifetime upgrades for free !) FL Studio Mobile Plugins & VSTs Korg Collection Lennar Digital Sylenth 1 (awesome - all you will ever need, a must for everyone) Serum (awesome - just haven't managed to play much with it yet) Note: Rent to buy option on Splice (I've just paid it off - ALL software companies (not just Music) should be dong this - makes stuff super-affordable !) IK Multimedia Sampletank Sound Libraries Sounds of kshmr volumes 1 & 2 (awesome) Wish List ! Ableton Push (maybe, not really necessary for me as have NI Maschine) LFO Tool (apparently an absolute must, used by all the top producers) Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol S88 Will replace my Motif ES-8 however very reluctant to sell that - might need the space ...) Past Hardware (either sold or given away 😢) Casio MT-820 (first keyboard I had, Christmas present - need to double-check model number) Casio CZ-101 Commodore Amiga (500, 1500 & 2000 + external MIDI interface) Korg ElecTribe ER-1 Edirol SD90 Studio Sound Canvas Yamaha SY85 (wish I hadn't sold it - needed the space) Roland R8 Human Rhythm Composer Links My personal blog: https://jamesm.blog/music-production/my-hardware-software/1 point
What does 15 years missing in action look like ?
What does 15 years missing in action look like ?
James reacted to Clubbing Si for a blog entry
1 pointWell finally after 15 years we are back in action. When ClubTheWorld closed down due to the crazy spam attacks last time it left a huge hole in the industry. Other market leading brands also suffered similar attacks and slowly one by one the websites slowed and eventually mostly stopped. So what does 15 years look like ? Well, for one we all have crazy high def camera phones, that has changed the Dancefloor dramatically and the way that events are photographed. There have been a lot of closing down of warehouses and nightclubs and of course who could forget the recent disastrous fires. We have also seen that certain high-profile companies have ceased trading and have had a lot of bad press. 2020 brings with it a tidal wave of change. ClubTheWorld is back in it's old form, with its old users and new alike but this time will be different. In just 72 hours of re-activity, users are noticing us again. More importantly however over the coming weeks we Will be very excited to show you some great new features that you will see on our websites all over the world, but all pooled together here, for a seamless experience. You will soon be able to meet our new generation of DJs and producers in all their glory armed with music, events, streams and interviews and we have some special features in the production line as this is written. Please keep checking back in and stay in touch with us and as always if you ever need anything drop me a message. Clubbing Si x1 point -
What it means to be on ClubTheWorld.uk
What it means to be on ClubTheWorld.uk
Dani Babyboo reacted to Clubbing Si for a blog entry
1 pointThe last time I worked on anything for CTW was over a decade ago. It’s nice to know that some things don’t change. ClubTheWorld was made for one main purpose, to find friends, however it did very much more. It took a group of individuals, misfits in some cases and utter wronguns in other cases.... and it made them family. There were lovers, fighters, dancers, prancers, teens, tweens, threens and above, and even a 65 year old legend from Leeds, and we all had one thing in common.... the music ! At this very second there are 14 people viewing the site, 5 of whom I know very well and would walk over hot coals for. This is family! Looking back at the DJ forums there are pages and pages of content, created by some of the most talented artists I have ever seen. We have DJ’s, many of them, and a new wave coming through again now all getting ready to help us relaunch properly with dozens of features. We intend to become a one stop shop for all your needs, whether it’s to meet up or just show the world what you can do. There’s so much exciting stuff to come and I can’t wait to share more with you, for now please enjoy, watch this space and be part of the even newer and more improved family. CTW would be nothing without its members and we will always be here to return the favour. x1 point -
List of Music Production Courses
1 pointHere of list of some of the best online training companies & courses ... On-Line Ask Video (e.g. Ableton Live - The Art of Drum Programming) Groove 3 Mac Pro Video Masterclass Armin Van Buuren - Dance Music Deadmau5 - Electronic Music Production Classroom Point Blank Music School There are loads more - will compile a full list ...1 point
Vinyl roots to modern beats ...
Vinyl roots to modern beats ...
James reacted to Clubbing Si for a blog entry
1 pointVinyl roots to modern beats ... So having had technics for a decade and owning 500+ vinyl tunes, it seemed almost blasphemous to even consider digital decks ........ but the olive branch was “I can plug 1210’s in and I need a mixer again anyway”.... so with question 1 settled the second question was “fuck; there are so many !!!!!” I knew pioneer was the way i wanted to go, after all I’ve used many CD-J’s from days gone by. Denon got a look but I am familiar with pioneer so I stuck to my guns and then narrowed it down to ddj1000 and xdj xz, one requires a laptop / rekordbox software; linked up and essentially is your dj controller and 1 can do the same but also just stick a usb in and away you go. I spent 3 weeks trying to decide and in the end I answered with the similar to Q 1 “I can still plug in a laptop if I like BUT I can also go standalone usb with the Pioneer Xdj Xz”. So that answered that question.... hardware decided ... ....... then.......... What speakers have I got and will they work and what headphones ... very important and easily answered ... the unit takes mini jack as well as phono size headsets so off to the Xbox I went and stole the headset (works an absolute treat !!!!!!!). Until I have another pay day it will do. Also a home cinema amped system has a horrendous delay as the signal goes through it sooo once the track is brought in I then need to mute the headset so that I can mix live rather than with 1 ear without hearing two sets of beats (1 actual and 1 delayed via speakers ) they do sound amazing but next month I need some direct active XLR speakers, then I can have 1 ear on and 1 off So, I used to flip a record, stick it on, bpm match and then line up at the desired spot and simply slip the record in when ready..... this is a lot more complicated then that. It’s worth noting at this point you CAN use 2 1210’s and the unit as a crazy good pioneer mixer with tonnes of features, but this is a new world and I’m a sucker for punishment. Besides; once it is set up it’ll work a treat. So once it’s plugged in and updated now you need to ........ download rekordbox or serrato (software to manage the library and analyse tracks to put on usb or direct ) Install it Configure it. It directly affects the jog wheels and what they display. Load in the library and then choose playlists. Set up cue points on tracks to mimic the old record slip. Analyse the tracks to normalise, get the key, Bpm, generate wavs etc Export them Import into the unit Digitally load tunes onto each deck (careful not to load over the active tune !!) Sooooooo much more. Ok now what .... well at this point of writing I am getting to grips with all the above, but you need to own digital music in order to use it, luckily I have many thousands of tracks from days of old .... but they analysed badly and start off mid track etc so right now I’m spending much more time trying to find 10-12 tracks which are owned, have a clear start and end, are good quality and work well ........ I recorded a quick 30 min today, the first mix was brought in too loudly (learning curve) but after that mistake I was pretty happy with it Ask me for a link. I’ll update this after a few more plays. My aims are to be able to use effects, colours, trims, cues, loops and many other features with relative ease. In terms of how happy I am, the unit is a m a z i n g and I am super happy, however I am also learning and understand I need a month to learn it more. Look forward to playing live for u all soon. Chaoss DJ1 point -
Are you the next CTW DJ, Producer, Photographer, Blogger ?
Are you the next CTW DJ, Producer, Photographer, Blogger ?
James reacted to Clubbing Si for a blog entry
1 pointSo seeing as it’s 2020, and some of us are older than others and don’t spend days on end in clubs anymore ...... 🤫..... we are looking for the next wave of nutters like us. Don’t worry we aren’t going anywhere and if anything we have more time to focus on the site, features and ongoing work to ensure it’s success. We need content bringers. We need people in clubs with cameras tagging clubbers getting out of their boxes. We need DJs, writers of articles, VIP’s to infiltrate clubs, producers and reviewers. Drop me a line if we can hook you up, this will be the fastest growing site of 2020 soon once we deploy our marketing strat and getting back out there again and we want our team around us.1 point