On Saturday April 14th Just the One? presents Bambossa Records at SeOne, London Bridge. This monumental night welcomes one of house music’s most respected DJ’s, and record label bosses, to its helm Mr. Harry Choo Choo Romero alongside special guests Lisa Loud, Mutiny and Jeremy B. Keeping smiles on faces and feet on the dance floor while the guests do their stretches and get warmed up will be Devore bosses Kriss Darang & Jnr J plus many more over the 3 rooms. This will be one hell of a night so get your tickets early and get down to Just the One?!
Main Room
Bambossa Records
Harry 'Choo Choo' Romero
Kriss Darang vs Jnr J
Ant Packham
Room Two
Just the One?
Lisa Loud
DJ Lewi
Daniel Anthony
Room Three
PUMPdaPHUNK & Soul Logic
Jeremy B
Dave Lynam
Hamish Dunn
Ticket: £10 Advance / £15 on the door/ NUS £10 on the door/ Non-members £15 on the door
Time: 10pm – 6am, SeOne, Weston St, SE1
Vendors: www.clubtickets.com/ www.ticketweb.co.uk
This is the first of 4 exclusive parties with Bambossa Records, we will be releasing more information on this and other events shortly...