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Found 15 results

  1. here are most of the clubbing pics i have done and are now in the gallery thanks 2 james for doing this for me, i will let you all know when more are added. Emergence 18/3/05 helter Skelter Energy 04 Digital 21.5.04 @ Po Na Nas (Lincoln) Lashed 2/5/04 Dilate @ The Barn 7/8/04 DIScTRACTION @ The Lemon Lounge 25.2.05 Tidy Summer Camp 2004 Tidy Weekender 6 (Prestatyn) Enjoy peeps, and like i said, more will be added, ill keep u all posted!!!!!
  2. All, If you would be interested in becoming an official photographer and benefitting from free entry to certain events (and potentially other percs) please can you PM me. You must have a digital camera. I myself cant get to as many events myself as I would like to and I'm keen to keep the gallery updated with fresh content weekly. Thanks !
  3. All, What a fantastic night last Saturday was at SE1 - I absolutely f^cking LOVE that venue. Well done to Wildchild & Frantic - they've got the organisation of these events down to a 'T' and as such run the best events in London, period. HUGE thanks, yet again, to all those CTWers who made it and supported our DJ Phil B(enson) - I think you will all agree he rocked it as ever - REALLY getting into his set - cos he loves it, as much as we do - on the dancefloor with the rest of us before and after his set - I really cant fault the guy and judging by the feedback from many members here and people from others sites/groups I know I think he's certain to do well and have many more sets to play on our behalf http://clubtheworld.ipbhost.com/html/emoticons/smile.gif You did us all proud Phil - we owe ya ! Sorry I couldnt make it on to the afterparty (yet again), I get so tired by 6/7am these days - really sorry I couldnt make Tony.P's set but from what I gather he was chuffed to bits so many of you regulars made it down to see him, and stayed until the end ! Two words - 'quality' 'people' - you are what make this community unique and the real community it truly is. I think this is going to be a good year for us and as someone once said on the old message board - "2004 - the year of the meet-up" - hurry up summer I say !!!! Anyway, sorry to go on, here are my photos from last Saturday nights events @SE1 - I dont think I missed any of you this time ! ....
  4. My photos and @Phil B's photos from WiLDCHiLD @The Coronet, London (24th October) are now up ! Old / original link http://www.clubtheworld.uk/cgi-bin/ImageFolio3/imageFolio.cgi?direct=UK_Events/Wildchild/2003-10-24
  5. Check mine & Crazy Manchester Lass pictures out from Ibiza. Theres a few of radio one night at Eden. And various others of us in a bad way. http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/linzmakin/ PS; i'm the dark haired one
  6. Many thanks to Tomo from ClubItHard.com for sorting out guest list for myself and Kev at this wicked launch last Wednesday. Really nice venue and was a nice change to see all the HH DJs playing more chilled out and funky stuff - apart from Rob T at the end who deciced to just bang out the hard stuff - haha. Few piccies from beforehand at the usual Wednesday night London meet drinks as well ...
  7. Another brill night - thanks so much to everyone who managed to make it - especially nice to see Mr Tom D & Blu again ! My, Tom D's, Guyster's & Scream's pics are now up !
  8. There are simply sh*t loads of pictures - the biggest photo set EVER taken for CTW!!! All of them will be found under here ... Photos by James, CaptinRik, Tom D, Colin & Scream! ...
  9. ... will be up in the next 30 minutes guys - and they are quality ! Some of them are very emmotional for me - this has been the biggest and best clubbing event of my life so far and as such probably the best weekend I've ever had - I cant contemplate that life can get any better, but it just seems to recently - and to be honest i'm just "going with the flow" ... I took quite a few more pics on Sarah's camera as well - I guess I will get these from her up either tonight or tomorrow sometime. Quality night with F^CKING QUALITY PEOPLE - you guys are my true friends ...
  10. i am a happy bunny cause... a) I’ve sorted out the gallery by installing a newer version! Yipeee!! The XLR8 pics are wicked and bring back those wicked memories from last Saturday - thanks to @Sophie, @Tara and the rest of ya for making it extra special - BEST HARD HOUSE NIGHT I'VE EVER HAD!!! Follow the below link for the pics !!! ... James Old Link http://www.clubtheworld.uk/cgi-bin/ImageFolio3/imageFolio.cgi?direct=UK_Clubs/The_Fridge/2002_05_11_XLR8
  11. Sorry - havent taken as many pics as i usually do - lets hope James has some better ones!!
  12. Sorry there aren't many peeps - I really was enjoying myself too much and also lost my spare batteries. A few good ones though. Sarah's & Paul's pics still yet to come! Please add comments to the pics ... James
  13. This night was planned at about 4pm friday afternoon via msn messenger - class!!!!! James
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