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Found 1 result

  1. Name: Tiina Ehrensperger Currently stays: Bern - Switzerland Jobs: Glamour Creation / DJane / Barmaid Music Style: House - Pump'n, Club,Vocal and Disco House - R'n'B DJane since: October 1999 Tiina was born 1983 in Liestal (Switzerland). Her first real contact with music has she with 5 years when she starts to play Piano and letter Keybord. As young Teenage she spends many time in parties and get in contact with Dance Music. In 1999 Tina was now 16 years old, she visit the first time a House Club and feel in love in this music style. What music, what lights, people and party feeling, the world of House Music has conquist one girl more. Her first contact and expierience with turntables make she about her boyfriend that was DJ. She starts to practise during he was working and learn from him to mixing, scratching and create good composed sets. After the end of relationsship 1999, her interest in djing grown more and so she decide to buy this own turntables, mixer and vinils to practise and learn to hear, feel and mix the music perfect. Today she one of the best female electronic DJanes in the South Germany speaking countries. And the unique thats plays Club, Vocal and Pumpin House in Switzerland. In February 2001 she gets his first gig in a party with over 1000 people. A nice boy gives her this night the name of Miss Glamour (thanks Brian). This night change her life and open her the world of House, Clubs and Nightlife as unique real House DJane in Switzerland. In the time between 2001 and 2004 she plays in different Clubs and Parties in all Switzerland. Miss Glamour learns in this time that music and show are very important points in this buisness. So she decide in 2003 to create a new show concept in Switzerland. She found her own dance team working together with her as gogos and podium dancers when she plays in clubs and parties. That has get the result that the guests bloom always and give so the night a special party feeling. Today she works also with models together and presents the latest bath and cloth-collections as example in the Bolero-Club. Club Gigs: 1/5 Club - Hong Kong Giga-Park - Dlmen Maxpark - Kthen Top 10 - Singen Club Tallin - Estland TV Fashion Bar - Georgia Aquarius Club - Swiss Le Club - Swiss Queens Club - Zrich Colosseo - Mnsingen Prestige Club - Swiss Club 23 - Swiss Crystal Club - Lebanon Bodrum - Turkey Le Paradies - Morocco Mystery Club - Zrich Buddha Bar - Swiss Formel 1 Party - Bahrain 2 Linden - Grlitz Casino Rotonde - Swiss Parties and Events : Bluemoon Party, Birthday Party Christopher S, Team Utopia Party, Xenox House Night, Sling String Party, Bar Festival Wichtrach, Partyzoom DJ Contest etc. Played with DJs: DJ Christopher S. (No. 1 Swiss), Sir Colin (No. 2 Swiss) DJ Antoine (No. 3 Swiss), DJ Tonic, Mr-Da-Nos, Carlos Rivera, Frank Vespari, Sven Luv, Le Baron, Aston Martinez, She DJ Zsu Zsu, She DJ Sunshine, Lady Tom etc. Club Gigs: 1/5 Club - Hong Kong Giga-Park - Dlmen Maxpark - Kthen Top 10 - Singen Club Tallin - Estland TV Fashion Bar - Georgia Aquarius Club - Swiss Le Club - Swiss Queens Club - Zrich Colosseo - Mnsingen Prestige Club - Swiss Club 23 - Swiss Crystal Club - Lebanon Bodrum - Turkey Le Paradies - Morocco Mystery Club - Zrich Buddha Bar - Swiss Formel 1 Party - Bahrain 2 Linden - Grlitz Casino Rotonde - Swiss
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