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  1. Staff at a Guitar Center store in Lawrenceville, Georgia, made a shocking discovery inside a guitar amplifier earlier this month. On July 17, employees opened a box that was shipped to the store’s location, only to discover thousands of dollars worth of cocaine and methamphetamine packed into the amplifier inside the delivery… The post Guitar Center employees discover piles of drugs stuffed inside amp appeared first on MusicTech. View the full article
  2. Yo!!! wear a mask u schhlaggggsssssssss. and make it a decent one too
  3. I've been in and out of hospital, and been feeling ill as fuck, still am ill as fuck and trying to ensure that what I have isn't the dreaded Coronavirus, and if not then I'm still trying to dodge the fucker. Anyway, I haven't felt overly chatty, or like I have much to say... so I thought I'd pop on to say hi whilst I'm not feeling totally out of it/sleeping all day on Diazepam (three times a day as a muscle relaxer for my rotator cuff injury) alongside high dose Gabapentin for my nerve pain, Oramorph (short acting morphine) throughout the day for general pain, Zomorph (long acting morphine) twice a day, Codeine 60mg 4 times a day and multiple other meds (but those are the ones that have knocked me out) - and I'm only not out of it today as I need to wait for a new prescription for my Diazepam and Oramorph. Ha. How are we all? How are you coping through the Covid outbreak and isolation? x
  4. seriously this thing is taking the piss - we arent being told something im sure !!!! its either just a bloody cold and who gives a shit or its something horrendous and they wont let on either way - its doing my nut in !! haha
  5. I really feel for all the kids especially those doing exams. My daughters school have made a statement they are saying goodbye to the year 11s today. my son doesn’t know what’s happening about his English GCSE and college course. shutting the schools I can understand but it was irresponsible to just announce exams cancelled with no statement on what will happen now. This is kids futures they are messing with. the kids need to know what’s going to happen so they can get into college/ uni. And the uncertainty on jobs. I work in a cafe I have no idea what’s going to happen now.
  6. So sad. Full Information hasn’t been released yet but the club had to be evacuated last night. https://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/news/leicester-news/man-dies-emporium-coalville-during-3952041
  7. This is so sad. How can the army not notice for 3 weeks that a soldier is AWOL. I knew this guy through a group on Facebook. He was on a couple of groups I’m on that are debate/ scammer groups. He was a good laugh. The best post was when some man was creeping on him so he used the change your sex app to take a photo of himself. His profile was a pseudonym and he had no profile picture due to the job he was doing. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/soldier-lay-dead-barracks-three-21458992
  8. Fire brigade still here ....thank god for them Check your smokes guys. Sad night for us here But luckily only smoke damage / we r all ok. Grateful and lucky to be Alive. all started from this switch
  9. Is it an overreaction to the 7/7 events? Or do we take the view that it's gotta be pretty serious to evacuate a city centre on a saturday night?
  11. UK man who traced his long-lost best mate via Friends Reuinted, then stabbed him seven times in a drunken rage because he thought he had attacked his sister, was jailed for three years today at the Old Bailey, Reuters reports. Noel Duff was lucky to survive the assault by Brendan Walsh during which he received a stab wound to the heart. The catalyst for the fracas was Duff's relationship with Walsh's sister subsequent to the two pals' doubtless tearful reunion. Immediately after the attack, Walsh suffered a fit of remorse and called an ambulance which rushed Duff to hospital. Doctors described his survival as a "miracle". Walsh pleaded guilty to to wounding with intent, and was cleared of attempted murder. The judge told him: "The victim is no longer angry at you and the remarkable fact is that [he] even gave evidence on your behalf and said he would like to be friends with you again." Duff has indeed expressed the wish to be re-reunited with his old mucker after the latter finishes his spell in one of Her Majesty's penal institutions, noting: "I can't believe a stupid fight came to this." ®
  12. well i am going to jabber abit here ppl, so i apologise if it doesnt make sense. but i think most of u will hopefully agree with me on this one. i am proud to say that i have decided to completely stop taking Pills........as i had a bad experience last weekend. i have made this decision because i need to get my head and my life sorted out, and stop being a little shit that thinks it is ok to upset everyone around me, that includes my family and friends. Emma i think u would agree with me on this one. as i have seen wot it did 2 u, im not saying that i think u were wrong but u did have ur reasons. and from seeing ur experience, and me starting to go down that path it isnt the right way to go. it will neva get rid of my problems, as they will always be there the next day. i have told sarah 2 neva give them 2 me again even if i ask. which i hopefully won't. as she has decided 2 do the same thing. my mum and my friends are proud of me and it feels good to be wanted, as before noone wanted 2 know me becuz of wot i was like. i am proud of myself and i hope to keep this up. i am 15, i have my whole life ahead of me, and i dont need 2 destroy it at such an early age. i want 2 go somewhere with my life. and that is wot i am going to do. i have all the support i need and alot more aswell. i have come to the conclusion that i need to talk abotu my problems, that is the only way to resolve them, not by taking drugs. What do u think??
  13. Spare some of your time to read this. It'll be much appreciated: No matter what you're looking for in a woman/man: GOOD LOOKS + GOOD PERSONALITY = WINNER GOOD LOOKS + BAD PERSONALITY = Still have chance with date / getting laid still on BAD LOOKS + GOOD PERSONALITY = LOSE BAD LOOKS + BAD PERSONALITY = TOTAL LOSER The thing is, why do some people say that it's "personality that counts" for christ's sake...l think it's a load of bullshit. If you haven't got the damn looks you're screwed. I am particularly aiming this discussion at those little shallow little sluts you get everywhere. I work in a shop where I work with these other 4 caucasion women, whose ages are I think 19, 22, 25, and 24. And yes, they way they look are what people call: "HOT", "FIT" or "BUFF". They're proper barbies, like Britney Spears, J-lo, or like any fucking gangsta rappas girlfriend. Clothes include pink stuff, like pink tracksuits by Playboy brand, 3/4 length tight demim jeans which shows off their arses, cute pump shoes (with no socks). Looks include bleatched blonde hair which is long and straight, heavy black eyeliner, pink lipstick, blusher, and sometimes with small hoop earrings. Known as "chavs", but they are over 18!! I hate every every one these sorts of bitches. So forget about the "chav label", because 65-70% of them make up the population of young girls today. Anyway because I have to work at the till, I can't help but always hear these little sluts gossiping with each other. All they ever talk about is fucking boys sex boys sex boys sex and fashion and makeup. They're ALWAYS JUDGING every young guy that comes into the shop, and its always about the guys looks. Some of things they say (after the guys leave) includes: If it was a pretty boy: "COR HE WAS FUKKIN FIT" "BUFF OR WHAT!" "I WANT HIM!" "I'M IN LOVE WITH THAT BOY!" "WOULD YOU SHAG HIM!!!!" - in a 'yes' sense "FIT AS FUCK GIRLS!!" "STOP DROOLING!" "GET HIS NUMBER!2 The above all said with with their eyes wide open and giggling while chewing open-mouthed on their chewing gums. AND they also act really nice and helpful to the guy if he asks for advice on products. HOWEVER if was an 'ugly' boy: A big, loud, "ERGHHHHHHHHHH" altogether with that cringing look "YEAH RIGHT WHATEVER" "GOD HE WAS FUCKIN DIGUSTING" followed by "WHO'D GO OUT WITH HIM" "IMAGINE KISSING HIM ERGHHHH" while laughing "GOD WHAT A MUNTER" "HES YOURS SARAH" (ones of the bitches names) followed by "NO I DONNNT THINK SOOO" with a saracastic look All the above are just some examples because I can hear them so clearly (the shop doesn't have a lot of customers on weekdays you see). But of that is just an indication of what most young girls are like. Which is sad thing, because to date one of these little sluts you HAVE to be drop-dead gorgeous, otherwise you don't have damn chance. I'm not fussy myself, and seeing as I'm a man who is not drop dead gorgeous (far from it), I wouldn't mind getting to know these types of girls. And don't say you wouldn't - they ARE pretty. I can date/form/have sex a relationship with average-looking women. Hell I can get on very well with them. But I admit that the girls I work with are my type (and trust me they would be most guys types) . But because of my looks I cannot ever get it on with these sorts, something I am angry as fuck about. And depressed. I have seen them in their clubbing outfits a couple of times and all I can say is they're beautiful. VERY beautiful. And guess what. They only hang with the tall, "hot" and "buff" guys, touching them etc etc. But NEVER with an average Joe (shorter than 5ft 10", not hot) It hurts me deeply when I see girls like that because I know I won't EVER be able to date/relationship/have sex with them. Hurts like fuck when I get home alone. I am 25 years of age and I haven't got long till I get to my 30s. People always tell you to "enjoy your life when you're young", which is precisely what I'm trying to do. Like I said I have dated/relationshiped/had sex with average looking girls, and even some ones which are a little "ugly". All I want is to have a chance with the shallow girls I'm talking about. And this is where my rant comes now. I have no doubt that this forum contains some girls who are one of those shallow little sluts I'm talking about. Own up. Admit it. After all I'm only some average joe. Go and challenge yourself. Get laid with an average/ugly guy. They'll be fucking grateful.They are HUMAN BEINGS. They have FEELINGS. They won't infect you with Uglyitus. Shallow little bitches. I am pointing mainly to girls about this (yes guys can be shallow to), but a guys degree of shallowness is nowhere near a woman's degree of shallowness. I read in a magazine once that a guy's 'tolerance' level (shallowness - how much he can put up with if the girl/guy is ugly) is around 6 to 7/10. Which means they can have sex with a girl as long as they can put up with it. And suprise surprise, the women's tolerance level is about 3/10. Can't tolerate much can they. And you little bitches know it full well. Yes I'm a loser. Yes I'm sad. Yes I'm somewhat desperate. Yes I want to date a hot girl like all the lucky guys get to. Yes I want to kiss a hot girl. Yes I want to have sex with a hot girl. Yes they are out of my league. Yes I'm lonely. Yes I do get pissed off when I see a hot girl and guy kissing in public. Yes I do masterbate over hot girls on the internet because I'm not getting any. There you go I've already truthfully insulted myself for you, so there's no need to for you to do it. PERSONALITY? HA YEAH RIGHT LIKE THAT HAS EVER MATTERED TO YOU SHALLOW LITTLE BITCHES. If you are that shallow little slut I'm talking about, prey to god you don't bump into me. Because you'll probably vomit, and I will hire a hitwoman to clobber and scar your pretty little faces in so you won't be able to flutter your cute little lashes ever again to get what you want. Now you'll see what it feels like. Feel free to discuss and prove me wrong. But be honest. Are you that shallow little bitch??? Much appreciated for your time ladies and gentlemen.
  14. If a general election were held tomorrow, which party would you vote for? I did want to create a poll for this but wasn't sure if it would come out right. Anyone care to make one? Use 4 fields.... Conservative Labour Liberal Democrats Other Or just reply below with your answer. I'm constructing a poll for a local newspaper out here and I'd greatly appreciate everyones help. Thanks.
  15. Had yet another one this week, ended up in hospital again & had to be resucitated! Was completely straight - maybe i should stick to getting wrecked!
  16. ...the fucking roof collapsed in our student house builders are round now - was lucky we all went out last night else someone may have been seriously hurt!!!
  17. For example, you meet someone, you love them for who they are / you love them as you found / met them, then you get together in a relationship, and a few weeks / months into the relationship, you obviously get to know them, but they are not really who you met. Do you try and change them ? Say, you didn't like .. the way they live each day the way they think their outlook on life the way they possibly see things differently to you their career plan their beliefes (sp) their hopes / dreams their hobbies .. and so on and so on and so on. BUT, say you do genuinely have strong feelings for him / her you WANT to be with him / her and you DO love / him / her, would you try and change this person into someone who basically has the same re: the above list - - as you ? Thus being, maybe for the other person,turning into someone they find boring / don't like ? Personally, I am all for 'what you see is what you get'. If I met someone who didn't like who I was / what I believe in and they try and change me, then I would move on and vice versa. I DO believe there are people who match all things in common and are a perfect match for everyone though. But I just generally wandered, what with some people, who doen't like their partners 'mindset', they try and change them, usualy into someone that isn't really 'them'. I disagree with this COMPLETELY. BUT, there are some daft buggers out there, who, for the sake of 'love' and 'feelings', leave themselves open for their partner to change who they are and their day-to-day lifestyle / social life. Would you stick with someone, who tried to change you, either because a/ you love them or b/ you wouldn't want to be on your own, so you will just stick with the 'change' ? Personally, I would move on and carry on with my life and enjoy 'knowing who I am', rather than be with someone who would / will turn me into someone 'I 'don't know' anymore. I also wouldn't change anyone either as I like people who are THEMSELVES. DISCUSS.
  18. What is everyones opinions on this? I am all for banning it, I think it is a cruel sport full of posh ponces
  19. Anyone watch this on the news last night ? Just goes to show anything can happen really in terms of terrorist attacks ! 2 incidents in 2 days that could have been terrorist attacks. Guess we are lucky that it wasn't that situation really. Obviously security needs to be tightened up but I thought security was more secure sinse 9/11.
  20. I completely forgot that was the date yesterday (and I felt really bad about that ) untill I was watching the news at my brothers house. But, where were you when it happened ? My dad and I were sitting flicking through the cable channels to see what was on, and we got to CNN and seen the first Twin on fire, didn't know what it was at forst so we flicked over, and there was a newsflash on another channel about it. So we switched back over to CNN where we watched and seen the second plane fly into the second Twin.
  21. Inspired by a comment made by Alex in general. Can anyone shed some light on this and post views and opinions. Im away to search on good old google now for some info
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