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Looks & Personality (LMAO at personality)


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thats what makes us so special Dani, we are a community that will listen bigwink.gif


& he has off loaded his probs & gone away & hey he maybe back, like you he may only have limited net access thumbsup.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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"I yam what I yam"


Is that the Black Country version of "I Am What I Am"?

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

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Thanks for the replies, I have read every single one of them, and this is what I have in response. So in order to know which one of you I'm responding to, make sure you take note of the quote box name. Here goes:


yet you want them purely because of their looks. This makes you yourself shallow.


Hmm...I've said earlier I've dated/relationshiped/shagged "average" and "ugly" looking women. Those bitches won't think twice if the looks of the guy doesn't approve to their standards - say in order to qualify they must be able to reach 97% in their standards. All they ever do is find some bitchy way to put "average" or "ugly" guys down. It's a straight NO to them if the guy doesn't have features like Brad Pitt/Duncan/DiCaprio/Farrell. Talk about the immense scale of shallowness eh Bukey?


The biggest cassanova and player I know is a guy who's nearly always broke, ugly as fook.. And yet he still gets to go home with almost any girl he chooses at the end of the night. How? Most people don't understand it. It's because he's got charm, charisma and wit... He doesn't hate himself, and he shows a bit of respect for the girls he likes....


And that's true is it? If it is, then if what you say about "Most people don't understand it" - then that says it all - indicating people's views are you must be good-looking in order to take home and get off with a fit sort. And I bet the pepple who said that are girls right Bukey?


sex was good

yeah there was plenty of hot guys out there but i was happy with him


How long I wonder before you got fed up. During your date with this average looking guy there MUST'VE been some deep thoughts in your mind 'I wish I was with that tall, dark and handsome guy' from the bar.


i DONT care about what other people say if you dont like summat i am doin or have done you know where to go


Good. Enjoy your life of shallowness. Enjoy turning a blind eye to the mingers like you said. Enjoy the fact that on the way down you didn't hit an branch on the ugly tree. Enjoy your ignorance of not knowing what it's really like for these less fortunate guys.


Id never have dunped him his personality made up for looks and it was him who dumped me


According to you.


Not all women are that shallow. Well, I wouldn't consider myself as being shallow in that respect. Yes I have been out with / dated some really good looking guys in the past and some not so good looking, but I can honestly tell you that it HAS been their personality that has drawn me to them. Most good looking guys can be vein and up their arse twats, but then im not gona tar every male on legs with the same brush, because so can not so good looking men be up their arse twats, but this can also be said for females too. I don't tar everyoine with the same brush, as I don't do 'labeling' of people.


Most good looking guys can be vein and up their arse twats. That's what those sluts love about them - they're extremely HOT and they treat the sluts like shit. This also proves the saying: "The nice guys always finish last". Everyone knows the nice guys are generally the average-looking/ugly-looking ones.


Women who look somewhat like you have had it easy all their lives. All you have to do is flutter some lashes and watch the guys drop to you. So from there you can already have a selection, and this is where you choose the best looking one.


I guess what you are saying is that some girls (the 'sluts' you talk about lol) come across as though they are only out for a bit of 'pussy banging' with the good looking men !


Some are. And some are also looking for a date/relationship. It's a no-no to these sluts of the guy isn't HOT HOT HOT.


Also, just because you may look at yourself and think you are not attractive, that DOESN'T mean to say other people WONT find you attractive. BELIEVE in that mate ! I know I do ..


In the end you're either hot or not. Take CHRIS EVANS and DUNCAN from the boyband Blue. It doesn't take Einstein to work out which one is the average/ugly one and which one is the hot one. And besides, if you had to choose, which one would YOU pick?


what gives someone the right to join here and put that sort of thing about us women anyway

thats dam right rude and i can only see u random guy as bein the shallow one as u have jus branded us all sluts wen we are not


I didn't brand you all "sluts". In my very first post I didn't actually refer to YOU lot here in the forum as the "sluts", I was saying "IF" you are. So IF you are one of them then I am aiming at you.


How am I being shallow? All I want is get the best I can do. AND I've already said I've dated/relationshipped/shagged average and ugly girls - something the majority of you lot probably haven't done or even think of doing!!


now if u aint nowt good to say about women we dont want to know cos in my expeience its always been the guy who's messed me around, 1 left me wen pegnant then came back got me pregnant again and fucked off again and the other beat me very nearly to my death wen i was pregnant yet again so dont go branding all us women wen men can be as bad if not worse using there fists and fact they can get up and walk at anytime


Let me guess. These were all hot/fit/buff guys right.




Yeah I admit that not all women are like that. But the 95% of the hot ones are. And even most of the average looking women are like that too. How times have changed eh.

Edited by RandomGuy
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Let me guess. These were all hot/fit/buff guys right.




hot and fit


ok neil wasnt much to look at he aint the all of every guy but i liked him but was only 16


michael no way was he id known him years and well thought i knew his personality, ended up bein beaten so bad and left for dead the guy was not good lookin but he had a reptuation as a rough nut, i thought different he subjected me to a lot including physical, mental and sexual abuse so u have got it totally wrong

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oh and the saying u doubt us lot havnt sklept or dated ugly (i prefer the word normal) looking guys well ur far from wrong


my bf is not exactly the best looking guy but i have known him along tme and i love him and he loves me, he has faults like crooked teeth cos he has 2 many teeth and he has a biggish nose but i love that he aint perfect cos that makes him different and unique to me


pic of us see for yaself

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I'll date you if you pay me, Random Guy. wink.gif



I wonder why you've completely ignored what I've said..........


And instead come back with some snide dig.....



Geeze grab a sence of humour dude. I was joking (})

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Random guy hey there, can I ask you 2 small questions please...




Has some lass on CTW personally kicked you in the goolies??

if not why are you here posting about the shallowness some of ladies possess?? unsure.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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oh and the saying u doubt us lot havnt sklept or dated ugly (i prefer the word normal) looking guys  well ur far from wrong


my bf is not exactly the best looking guy but i have known him along tme and i love him and he loves me, he has faults like crooked teeth cos he has 2 many teeth and he has a biggish nose but i love that he aint perfect cos that makes him different and unique to me



That guy looks good...he has the same kind of eye structure as Dennis from Eastenders. And he was voted as the sexiest guy in soap....


HAHAHA you love the fact that he "aint perfect"?? Oh please...you couldn't pull a rotten tooth out of a dead horse's mouth with that one.


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