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What's the best file sharing programme...


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  • CTW Promotors

I thought they were cracking down on all this file sharing etc & people were getting in the shit?

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Members
I thought they were cracking down on all this file sharing etc & people were getting in the shit?



yes.gif but they're gunning after the ''Big Boys'' first i.e. those that download thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of files, using this method, on a DAILY basis blink.gif


you should be alreeet' to a certain extent for now though yeahrite.gif


...s'feel free t'download as most porn as you want w00t.gif

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  • CTW Promotors

phew thats ok then, was feeling abit worried then ref me prono & filthy vids shag.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Members

edonkey ive found is the best for films


kazaa is good for chart 40 stuff, soulseek ive found to be good for obscure tunes (dance - or EDM as we in the trade call IT)

Edited by Phil rr
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  • CTW Members
phew thats ok then, was feeling abit worried then ref me prono & filthy vids shag.gif



prono? yeahrite.gif



...this some sort of new bestiality involving shrimps? baz.gif

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  • CTW Members


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  • CTW DJs
I thought they were cracking down on all this file sharing etc & people were getting in the shit?



yes.gif but they're gunning after the ''Big Boys'' first i.e. those that download thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of files, using this method, on a DAILY basis blink.gif


you should be alreeet' to a certain extent for now though yeahrite.gif


...s'feel free t'download as most porn as you want w00t.gif



this statement is FALSE, do not think this way at all... protect yourself if your going to do naughty things.... Laws have changed, EVERYONE who steals material (yes, downloading a film or song is theft) is now liable for punishment

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the way i do it is to have my pet woodpecker at the keyboard.


i teach her to hit the right keys, so if they come looking for me, i'll say it was my woodpecker, and they should arrest her instead.

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  • CTW Members

to be honest i think the only people who really need to worry is those who are downloadin movies etc and SELLING them. at the end of the day police have better things to do than going after people who download the odd file for personal use.


thats not saying i do it, as i said i heard it all in the pub... bigwink.gif

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  • CTW Members
I thought they were cracking down on all this file sharing etc & people were getting in the shit?



yes.gif but they're gunning after the ''Big Boys'' first i.e. those that download thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of files, using this method, on a DAILY basis blink.gif


you should be alreeet' to a certain extent for now though yeahrite.gif


...s'feel free t'download as most porn as you want w00t.gif



this statement is FALSE, do not think this way at all... protect yourself if your going to do naughty things.... Laws have changed, EVERYONE who steals material (yes, downloading a film or song is theft) is now liable for punishment



a said first (referring to going after the 'big boys') and to a certain extent ...didnt mean everyone were exempt from some sort of liability wink.gif


but methinks emma might of just about hit the nail on the head ...they should have better things to do, than go after 'small' time users and abusers who half inch the odd song or two...

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  • CTW DJs
I thought they were cracking down on all this file sharing etc & people were getting in the shit?



yes.gif but they're gunning after the ''Big Boys'' first i.e. those that download thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of files, using this method, on a DAILY basis blink.gif


you should be alreeet' to a certain extent for now though yeahrite.gif


...s'feel free t'download as most porn as you want w00t.gif



this statement is FALSE, do not think this way at all... protect yourself if your going to do naughty things.... Laws have changed, EVERYONE who steals material (yes, downloading a film or song is theft) is now liable for punishment



a said first (referring to going after the 'big boys') and to a certain extent ...didnt mean everyone were exempt from some sort of liability wink.gif


but methinks emma might of just about hit the nail on the head ...they should have better things to do, than go after 'small' time users and abusers who half inch the odd song or two...




Dude, what do you think port scanning is for?? You get caught and your ip details are logged... once the "big fish" have been fried, they are gonna start working their way through these logs - at the very least your isp will kick you off the network, and if its pushed further jailtime is a reality


Use peer guardian if your going to do ANYTHING even remotely naughty!

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  • CTW DJs
they should have better things to do, than go after 'small' time users and abusers who half inch the odd song or two...




ok, so going on your logic, if I robbed a bank im naughty, but if I robbed your house its a case of "shit happens, get over it" because it isnt on the same scale??


The law is in place for a reason - if you break it by even a tiny amount, its still an illegal activity

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