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*** Instructions for bulk uploading photos ***

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  • CTW Admin

(currently editing/updating)




Finally, here are the instructions for adding new photo sets into the main gallery...


1) Create a directory on your local drive with the following naming convention: YYYYMMDD_


e.g. 20050801_Frantic_8th


Note: Ensure you don't use any special characters in directory or file names, for example never use '&', only use 0-9, a-Z, '_', also never use spaces in names either as Linux will treat the file as multiple files


2) Using either Paint Shop Pro or Windows Photo Viewer ensure that all photos have the correct orientation - i.e. if you have taken a photo in portstraight mode this will need to be rotated round.


3) Next download and install the following cool windows utility:


http://www.digitaldutch.com/arles/download.htm (use version 6.0.3 - later version has a bug!)


This utility performs several things;


a. It will automatically resize the photos to a 'sensible' web size (I've set to 800x800 max on CTW, other sites set to much smaller size)

b. It will automatically create thumbnails

c. It will put a description on each photo

d. It will watermark each photo


Now most of these functions should be available in the Gallery software we use (ImageFolio) but its crap on that side of things hence having to have this extra step. At some point we 'may' switch the gallery software however its a lot of work and ImageFolio has other featues which are good - plus its already paid for etc.. etc.. There is the Members gallery as well (Gallery2) however this is just for the odd photo which a member wants to upload and shouldnt be used for bulk adding photos due to the lack of web space on that server. The main CTW gallery (Gallery1) has plenty of cheap space, which I can keep adding for photos,videos,mixes.. anything really..


Download and install the app and then ...

CTW AdminClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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