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your weekend in smiles!!!

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Friday - ate food in a restaurant

Saturday - travelled to liverpool and CreamyC kept me 'in stiches' all the way there

Saturday pm - Kates, then Debiys then Pacific then Garlands - cheers to HouseWhore for sorting out tickets for me and Kev cause I forgot to pick them up from Debiy!! HouseWhore is a true LEGEND and a mate for life - (CTW Gauranteed Seal of Approval)

Sunday - ate food in a resturant

Monday - ill [icky]


ps. On travelling back to London (and keeping in true CTW tradition of making the effort to gain a new friend on each train journey) I met this AMAZING guy who I just felt I HAD to speak to. Anyway, it turns out he is a drugs advisor and had been working in the field for over 12 years. Anyway we got on really well and I thought it would be great to have a section on the main site about drug awareness - as any decent clubbing site worth its salt should. It will be fact based and tell you what you need to know - I'm also thinking about having 1 hour slots in the new chat room (coming soon) for quickfire questions & answers.




[ 23 April 2002, 00:57: Message edited by: James ]

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Friday Night - Peach at Camden Palace, was sposed to be Ferry Corsten but instead Dave Pearce! Blinder, and a big fat hi to those Peachy Ravers!


Saturday - Travelled up to Liverpool with Jambo, once again 4 hours of complete funniness! There has never been a boring train journey on any weekenders!


Saturday Night - Garlands, the new No1 Liverpool club, met loads more people including the legendary HouseWhoare and even more legendary Beaker with all his girlies the lucky tosser! The night did get better.........!


Sunday - No sleep til Midday then slept til 3pm, no shower wash or bath while the others freshened up, then to the chinese resturant! [Laugh] Say no more!


Monday - ILL! [Crazy] Hardly much more sleep then train home (see James's post for details!)


Tuesday - WORK! [Crying]

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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Originally posted by CreamyC:

Friday Night
- Peach at Camden Palace, was sposed to be Ferry Corsten but instead Dave Pearce! Blinder, and a big fat hi to those Peachy Ravers!


- Travelled up to Liverpool with Jambo, once again 4 hours of complete funniness! There has never been a boring train journey on any weekenders!


Saturday Night
- Garlands, the new No1 Liverpool club, met loads more people including the legendary HouseWhoare and even more legendary Beaker with all his girlies the lucky tosser! The night did get better.........!


- No sleep til Midday then slept til 3pm, no shower wash or bath while the others freshened up, then to the chinese resturant!
Say no more!


- ILL!
Hardly much more sleep then train home (see James's post for details!)



beaker more legendary than me cant be mate [Well Happy][Well Happy]

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