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Don't you hate it when...


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...You've made yourself a lovely cup of tea and are cooking your dinner... then you crack three eggs into the same mug, and don't notice until you go to drink the aforementioned cup of tea... EEEERGH! [Puke][Puke]


I'm still trying to get rid of the taste now....


anyone got any others?

Email & MSN: pdb_1@hotmail.com
Mob: 07788 133678
Only Smart-E's have the answer!

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Originally posted by Dakers:

...You've made yourself a lovely cup of tea and are cooking your dinner... then you crack three eggs into the same mug, and don't notice until you go to drink the aforementioned cup of tea... EEEERGH!


I'm still trying to get rid of the taste now....


anyone got any others?

What time do u eat ur dinner mate?!?! Jeez!

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Once I was starving hungry and about to tuck into some chips which I had covered in salt and vinegar.


I didn't notice that i had actually covered them in sugar and vinegar yuuuggghhhhhh


They tasted rank.............. i still ate them.

no sleep 'till bedrock!!

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Another bad one was being severely hung over at some strangers house after a party... stumbled into the kitchen and guzzled down some orange juice from the bottle (Yes, I'm refined!)... .only to discover it was cooking oil..... [Crazy]


It certainly helped my hangover when I spilled my stomach contents over the kitchen floor....

Email & MSN: pdb_1@hotmail.com
Mob: 07788 133678
Only Smart-E's have the answer!

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some clever dick, cant remember whos house it was, put pepper in there salt pot, so when pourin it all over me beans and chips, i was almost sick as i hate the fcukin stuff [Puke]

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
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When I was ickle my mum was in hospital & my dad was struggling with the responsibility of looking after 2 ickle girls. I didn't realise just how much he was struggling until I opened my school butty box only to dicover cheese & drumhead cabbage butties [Crazy] Bless him, he thought it was iceburg lettice!!! [Confused]

Love n affection XxX

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i remember when i was about 12/13 in school..i was in food studies making some wee cakes..n the school used to provide us with the ingredients back in them days..anyways i was about to add the sugar to sweeten the cakes up..


instead i grabbed the wrong jar..i grabbed the salt jar instead of the sugar..added it to my mixture without knowing..


30mins later the cakes were done and my teacher tasted one and she threw up! [Crazy] hoorahh! needless to say i failed that practical! oops! [Well Happy]

Email : xxkinkykellxx@aol.com
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*Eat Smarties..Wear Pat Butcher earrings.. and romp with naked sumo wrestlers..

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There was this one time in band camp, the toilets were broke so we had to have a dump in a frying pan [shocked] and i forgot to throw it out. And when we woke up cause the kitchen was next to the toilet the chef thought my last nite deliverys was the morning sausages for breakfast so he cooked it ans we had one big

english breakfast!!!


[Happy] Only kiddin [Happy]

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When I was 8 or so I used to get milk at school at lunchtime.


One day my sisters and I went home for lunch and brought our milk.


We sat at the table to eat. I opened up my carton and took a big swig, only to down a huge lump of sour gelatin.


Took me YEARS to touch milk again.

I am NOT a dj

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Here's a funny one....


I'm the youngest of seven children.


As a very young child, my oldest brother and sister used to feed me tabasco sauce in water and tea, just to see me cry!!


They still apologize to this day at Christmas! [Angry]

I am NOT a dj

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