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Hiya!! Im back!


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hello again, long time no hear! Glad to c club the world's got even bigger and theres loads more people than i ever imagined! [Happy] Hope everyones been well and not been gettin too messy!! I had a wkd time at global, managed to get hold of a vip ticket so when it all got a bit too much 4 my body to cope with i went and chilled away from all you " little " people! Hehehe! Anyways, c u all l8r,

lots of love and hugs,


xxx [star]

HiGh AbOvE tHe StReEtS aNd HoUsEs RaInBoWs FlYiN hIgH........

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  • CTW Promotors

Welcome back Missus, I was just saying to james the other day where you'd gone! If only he hadn't of shown you his bits maybe you wouldn't of gone off for so long, have you recovered, if you have you're a braver girl than I am!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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  • CTW Admin

Hi Jane - nice to have you back!! Where you been hun ?! hehe


Which tent were you in - we were all in the back of the Hard House sundis tent - was ROCKING! (and so was I methinks!)



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I havn't recovered yet! But im sure im still braver than u creamy!! Im not exactly sure where ive been! [Confused] My heads been all over the place lately! Been going out loads and everything started to get a bit messy but i spose thats the whole fun of it! Went on holiday to majorca a couple of wks ago but made the mistake of goin with 2 proper straightheads, i ended up gettin the most drunk i have ever been in my life every nite of the wk! Everything about the holidays just a blur so ive made a mental note neva to go away with beer-girls ever again!! Not that i've got anything against them mind, i just dont like throwing up in a bath at 7am! [Crazy]

HiGh AbOvE tHe StReEtS aNd HoUsEs RaInBoWs FlYiN hIgH........

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