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Fcukin AWESOME!!!!!! [Happy][Happy][Happy][Happy][Happy]


I wanna be a Pornstar!! [Happy][Happy]


[ 30 July 2002, 20:51: Message edited by: Ikon ]

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gets a bit boring after while to be honest... its only ever good for about 10-15 minutes. don't understand the point of spending loads on a big collection it all the same pretty much. some of it is hilarious [Laugh]


i have 104 friends

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We have a bit of a porn vid library at work.


You can rent a vid for a couple of nights from a secret drawer in the office.


What is fuckin hillarious is when you get home and stick it on and the person who has had it before you hasn't rewound it.


Basically where the tape starts is probably where they have shot their load!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scary thoughts! [Crazy]

higher and higher...........a wonderful feeling.



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Ok if its made properly, if not then its dead cheesy!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
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  • CTW Admin

Porn is excellent if made properly.


The best producing companies are;


Anabolic - www.anabolic.com


and their sister company ...


Diabolic (not sure what their url is now)


Unfortunately you cant get these imported legally. The best place to get these videos in the UK is in London's Soho - my mate runs Little Amsterdam - friendly staff who put you at ease so you can ask for whatever you're into ! They used to get raided quite a bit but I think the laws in the UK have finally been relaxed now. Please bare in mind that many of the shops in soho only sell Restricted 18 video - look out for the 'R18' in blue - its a RIP OFF - you see NOTHING. As I say "Little Amsterdam" sell the real stuff - and also on DVD - although these are expensive - £40-£50. The videos you can get for £20 each or 3 for £50. (so my mates tell me - [Wink] )


Must admit though I am less bothered about it now I am older as there are far more important things to do with ones time! lol


James [smileJap]


[ 31 July 2002, 01:06: Message edited by: James ]

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my mate has got a wicked german 70's porn vid. its has some of the cheesiest organ music dubbed over the top and some of the mullets on blokes AND women are priceless.


i'll get it off him at some point. everyone in CTW has see this video


i have 104 friends

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