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heylo all


in cambridge, pretty much a clubbing novice, but know that i'll love it (and you!!)


into anything really. hard house, i guess... dnb's always good too..


ooh am a bit nervous... not only unused to hardcore clubbing, but also my very first forum thing.. not quite sure what to do next!

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  • CTW Members

hi, welcome to CTW!


Dont be nervous!!!!!

just chill spliff.gif




MSN leesh1000@hotmail.com
"Boom! Chicky! Boom! Chicka!"

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  • CTW DJs
heylo all


in cambridge, pretty much a clubbing novice, but know that i'll love it (and you!!)


into anything really. hard house, i guess... dnb's always good too..


ooh am a bit nervous... not only unused to hardcore clubbing, but also my very first forum thing.. not quite sure what to do next!


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  • CTW Members
heylo all


in cambridge, pretty much a clubbing novice, but know that i'll love it (and you!!)


into anything really. hard house, i guess... dnb's always good too..


ooh am a bit nervous... not only unused to hardcore clubbing, but also my very first forum thing.. not quite sure what to do next!


Hello wavey.gif welcome 2 ctw....you'll love it here

When am i not horny 😉 😊
Msn Messanger:tina_g_ukc@hotmail.com
Yahoo Messanger/Email ickle_cat_1981@yahoo.com



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  • CTW Promotors

Hiya hun - welcome to CTW


Im planning a visit to Peterboro v soon for a night out!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW Members
heylo all


in cambridge, pretty much a clubbing novice, but know that i'll love it (and you!!)


into anything really. hard house, i guess... dnb's always good too..


ooh am a bit nervous... not only unused to hardcore clubbing, but also my very first forum thing.. not quite sure what to do next!


Hiya, just joined recently too... and i’m from cambridge! wavey.gif

"... Harder than IRN BRU mate!!!"

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  • CTW Members

Heya, welcome to CTW wavey.gif


No need for nerves, most people on here are great anyway and good to be around when yer new-ish to clubbing smile.gif

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