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Another stupid computer question

Tony P

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how do i change it so that the whole page fits on the screen.


I've managed to do something and now only about 3/4 of it does.


it's really starting to piss me off.


cheers undecided.gif


You C.unt.

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what screen resolution are you running at mate ?


800x600 or 1024 x 768 ?


(right mouse on desktop, properties, settings...)

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Not sure if you can change the resolution the site displays in, but you can change the resolution your monitor displays in, go to your desktop, right click on it, go to properties, then settings, and up your resolution to 800x600 or 1024x846 (I think), it will resize your screen, make all your icons smaller, and if it displays OK, click on OK and hey presto!!!


But there may be an option in preferences in your profile to do it just for this site, as opposed to globally affecting your PC

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Poor bony!


Press F11 again.

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Click start, then go into run then type in "regedit" and play about with that.



that looks scary, hope i've not [censored] things up.


oh well i'll just have to use one of the other 50 computers, i'm sure by the time i've [censored] em all up they would have fixed the first one. spliff.gif

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