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  • CTW Members

cool babe cheers, everything is going well at the mo'.


birdage (check)

workage (check)

greenage (check)

otherstuffthatsgoodage (check)


what about you my little rarebit

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  • CTW Members

i cant remember what i said bout the old lectricity.... hmmm


what did i say??


it was cool i would have stayed longer but me and nina just wanted to get home and chill ya know, wildchild was wicked though, defo at the next one.


when u out down our way again babe??

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  • CTW Moderators

haha in wether spoons when we bumped into eachother and all of a sudden the lights went out then swithe back on. Dont u remember? it was well funny hahaa


Wildchild was amazing - and you make a [censored] cupa tea too wink.gif


I have just worked the w/e and am working the next on coming. [censored] CRAP. But then living here is CRAPPER. Off the weekend after tho, and going to turnmills (i think) with James and some others. U coming too?



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  • CTW Members

Jay, whats ur moby number? I sent u a txt thursday about sumin important, but i got a failed txt this morning!

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  • CTW Members

oh i rememeber that, it was funny.

i think i came out with some cheesy line at the time


i was having a bit of an issue with the tea im afraid, i had just done that line (not the cheesy one wink.gif) and the kettle was freaking me out a bit (ill explain another time). tHats why nina had to come help me.


whats at turnmills heat?? might be up for that yeah, not for gallery though big huge wank to that im afraid.



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  • CTW Members

ask kev or summat i have nay phone with me mate, i can give it to you later (the number gayboy) after i finish work otherwise.


cooolderly cool

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  • CTW Moderators
Jay said:

oh i rememeber that, it was funny.

i think i came out with some cheesy line at the time


i was having a bit of an issue with the tea im afraid, i had just done that line (not the cheesy one wink.gif) and the kettle was freaking me out a bit (ill explain another time). tHats why nina had to come help me.


whats at turnmills heat?? might be up for that yeah, not for gallery though big huge wank to that im afraid.



Nah im only jestin, the tea was lovly ALTHO the porn was WRONG. Tak about having a massive [censored] pipe. pukeface.gif


I aint ever been to turnmils b4 so i duno what its like.


Lottie will be playing when we go anyway, she is DA BOMB.


Come along so i can laff at you dancing smile.gif

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  • CTW Members

u make me paranoid now bout me moves, they arnt that bad i thought, unless everyones lying and ur the first to tell me the truth.


the porn was wrong, i wasnt aware a birds arse could be quite so slack, you learn somthing new every day though dont u

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  • CTW Moderators

hahhaha jaaaaaaaaaaaaaay dont be paranoid u ball bag. Its well funny - it makes me laugh! its not [censored], its not crap, its PATHETIC! lol only joking wink.gif Its just the way you do the hting with your hands - well funny! Dont take offence or il be offended sleepy.gif


Porn - arse shots - went toooo far. I was almost sick.


It has put me off trying it up the arse again.



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