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Originally posted by alasdairm:

Bonsai Kitten is a joke. a good one too...



CLASSIC - and these 18-year-old-suckers fell for it! hehehe


nice one A !

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or is it ??? [shocked][Confused]

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' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
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"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

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Erm, joke or no joke, the fact they still did that to kittens is still sick, I couldn't give a [censored] to be honest! They STILL put those cats in there!

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I was just thinkin that myself Kev, i mean they obviously had to do it to take the pics so therefore is still a form of cruelty, granted not as severe wht we irst thought but cruel all the same...they must be a bit warped in the brain to think of doin it i think!!


*rant over* lol

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
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did that

i guess the crux of the issue here depends on your definition of "that". so what did bonsai kitten actually do?


has anybody seen a magician at work? they are experts in psychology - they know how to present a 'before' picture and an 'after' picture and let the human mind fill in the middle bit, thus creating magic.


no kittens were stored in jars with tubes feding them and removing waste. through the use of some well written text with long, important-sounding words, together with some before and after pictures which suggest some nasty 'in between' stuff, bonsai kitten is guilty of, really, nothing more than a bit of internet magic.


on this page, there is what appears to be a man's head squashed into a jar - does that kean a man's head was squashed into a jar? what do you think:




the following is from the bonsai kitten website people:


Bonsai kittens are not real. Nobody is making bonsai kittens. Nobody is selling equipment to help people make bonsai kittens. The Bonsai Kitten web site is a joke, not an actual promotion for the making of bonsai kittens. Investigations by law enforcement agencies have already determined that no real cats were harmed in the creation of the pictures used on the Bonsai Kitten web site. Signing a petition to shut down the Bonsai Kitten web site will not prevent any kittens from being harmed, because no kittens were harmed in the first place.


(my emphasis)


it really is a joke. and a good one too, judging by the response.


this might sound precious coming from the 'way too serious guy' on CTW but lighten up a bit - it's just a joke [Happy]



"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

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Originally posted by alasdairm:


it really is a joke. and a good one too, judging by the response.


this might sound precious coming from the 'way too serious guy' on CTW but lighten up a bit - it's just a joke



Hehehehe, that did sound a bit funny [Laugh]


But if it was as u say it was a joke and no animals were harmed then great....tho id say it was more of a wind up than a joke!!!!

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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