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CTW Club Night

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  • CTW Promotors

Right guys - CTW night is born! We are to host the top room of 'The Edge' In Nottingham on Friday 6th Dec - doors 9.30 til late.

DJs to be confirmed very soon!


Info sarah@clubtheworld.uk or PM for more details.

If enough interested there may be mini-buses included in a set price from London.

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW Admin

ok guys, before everyone starts, yes this does happen to fall, regretably, on the same day as the Red Cube event being very kindly organised by Elly.


Again I think we are going to see more and more clashes of this nature in the future but as ever people can go to whatever events they choose, without fear of being alienated.


We have been looking for some time now a venue where we can front some of our member DJs and it looks like this unique opportunity has arisen - and we simply have to take it as the next opportunity isnt likely to arise until well into 2003. Taking this step now can place us firmly on the map and hopefully lead, longer term, to regular club nights at various venues across the country... and then the world.......

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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  • CTW Members

Bugger - what a spot of [censored] luck.


Dilemma: do i go to the firms do (which i've already paid for), or do i blow it out and head off to nottingham for the CTW night confused.gif

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  • CTW Admin

Please dont worry people - we aim to do LOTS of these nights in the future - I would personally stick to your original plans and most importantly "do what you want to do".


Obviously myself and Sarah have been talking about this alot and also find it a right pain it happens to be the same fecking date, but we decided it was too good an opportunity to miss as these things aren't offered to you every day.

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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[censored], that's my birthday and stuff has already been arranged with family etc.


I'll see what I can do now.

Talk about sod's law. mad.gif

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk



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  • CTW Promotors

It finally looks like we are to host our own night! Ive managed to speak to a few relevant people & should have something definate sorted by the end of this week! smile.gif

All that i can tell now it that it looks like being in early december.

Watch this space!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW Promotors

I have spoken at great length with EllsxBells and the xmas party has been postponed until another night.

I have to agree with James, although this is our launch night there will be others - its just this one will be the best! wink.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW Promotors

I have the line-up list but cant confirm any of them til flyers are printed.

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW Promotors

A few people i think are worried or concerned that the xmas party has just been cancelled for the sake of it ir to make room for another night.


The fact is ive been offered the chance to run a night in Nottingham along with another promotion as a trial basis on 6th dec. Although i was jumping around with joy at first as this is the chance CTW needs to really get ourselves out there & noticed i then realised that this was the night of the xmas party that was being organising.


I was then in two minds as to what to do -i didnt think it would be possible to do both as the Notts one finishes at 4 and i would have to be there all the time anyway. I didnt want to upset EllsxBells and other people concerning all the plans she had made towards the xmas party either as i feel members are more important than anything.


From CTW's point of view tho these opportunities dont come about too often - if we are successful on our 1st night they are gonna give us opportunities to do more. Which is what we really need to do to get CTW out there & noticed on a larger scale.


I spoke with Ellie about any chance of cancelleing or re-organising the xmas one and she has sorted it out. I said that if the xmas party couldnt be re-organised then i would not go ahead with our night - will leave it for another chance. At the end of the day - every member on the board is more important to me & i dont wanna cause a rift between any of you.


If theres anything anyone would like to do to help out on this night you would be more than welcome.


Email sarah@clubtheworld.uk for any ideas / further details.

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW Promotors

Review on 'The Edge'..........





Since it opened, a year and a half ago, Edge has established itself as a genuine alternative for the city's clubbers. It perhaps hasn't had the same piles of cash poured into it as other recent additions to Nottingham's club scene, but the clean and minimal decor serve the purpose more than adequately. The bar area and downstairs dancefloor have a combined capacity of around 400, creating an intimate atmosphere with the emphasis on musical diversity. Thankfully, rather than just providing another stop on the big name DJ merry-go-round, Edge has adopted a policy of highlighting underground and up-and-coming talent. This stance is illustrated by the line-ups, with the likes of T Power and Freq Nasty headlining, rather than the usual suspects from the house circuit.


126 Lower Parliament Street



INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW Promotors

Think this needs to be posted in here also.........

For those of you who are worrying.........


There really isnt that much to organise & so people please trust me in that i do know what i am doing - i have done this thing before. We are only hosting a 2nd room not organsing Summer Sound System!

As i said previously the major bit is going to be getting all the banners done & Ellie & myself are well on the case.

My job is to promote it & i can do it inside out with my eyes shut. I DO know what i am doing as it is my main job and 6 weeks is plenty of time to promote a night!

As for the venue / location i didnt have a lot of control over - i was given a chance & i took it. I didnt have to but i believe we can not only pull it off but also make a success of it.


The money is coming out of my pocket upfront & after DJs have been paid and the materials paid for anything else we make is to go straight back into the site towards the running costs & to improve the site further. I cant say whether we will make money or lose it the 1st time - no1 can til we see who turns up. But im in it for the promotion of the site.


As far as anyone helping out - we have got everything pretty much covered - there really isnt a great deal to do (even for James) We could do with someone thinking about getting some minibuses organised and approximate numbers.

Apart from that members can put the word about - the more of a success this night is the more chance we will get with future ones!


INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW Members

Good Luck on this Sarah and everyone.


Make sure James does a mass email to the members a week or two before the event (I'm sure you've thought of that already!!!)


A little miffed why people were questioning your credibility. James is the only one that should do that haha!!!


Not sure what Ells had planned for the xmas party but could it not be combined? You see where this is going I'm sure. You guys need to practically guarantee a packed night or the Edge mgmt might think twice before having you back. If you can stack the place with CTWers etc etc, then you could do a deal with them for 2003 ie every 3 months etc, the potential of this is big big!!


Again, good luck!!



I am NOT a dj

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