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Full Name: david dodson

DOB: 19/10/1980

From: leeds

Favourite Club: sundissential

favourite DJ: ian m

Favourite promoter: madders

Favourite Pub: fibre

What car do you drive: non at the min

Married/Single/With someone: with someone

Partners name: paul halliwell

Favourite position: any

Best friends name: andi geffreys

Favourite food: chinesse

Can you cook: ish

Favourite drink: vodka & coke

Alcohol or drugs: drugs

What newspaper do you read: yorkshire evening post

Favourite programme: dont watch much tv

Favourite film: jeepers creepers

What makes you cry: death

Favourite colour: blue

Favourite outfit: 3 quarter trousers & black tanktop

Quick temper or plac!d: placid

Longest time stayed out clubing: 28 hours

Best holiday/why: blackpool as hate flying!

Favourite place: manchester

Bullied at school: yep

Nickname: -------

What yer mam calls yer when she's angry: bastard


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Full Name: Blink Eden

DOB: In Profile

From: Telford

Favourite Club:Slimelight (Islington, London)

favourite DJ: Ian M

Favourite promoter: ?

Favourite Pub: Purple Turtle (Camden)...altho it seems to be going downhill

What car do you drive: Toyota Corolla, E-reg

Married/Single/With someone: Single cry.gif

Partners name: Pennybear

Favourite position: Missionary

Best friends name: Sin

Favourite food: Pizza

Can you cook: Yes

Favourite drink: Southern Comfort and coke

Alcohol or drugs: Yes

What newspaper do you read:

Favourite programme: Simpsons

Favourite film: Highlander

What makes you cry: Not being with my best friend

Favourite colour: Blue

Favourite outfit: Bought from Psiclone Birmingham

Quick temper or plac!d: Quick

Longest time stayed out clubing: erm..36hours summin like that

Best holiday/why: Florida 2001, family & girlfriend, was very relaxed and a lot of fun

Favourite place: Near Sin

Bullied at school: Not much

Nickname: Blink

What yer mam calls yer when she's angry: XXX


And all the time writing his I have been on hold waiting for one call.

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Full Name: david michael moore (prefer dave)

DOB: 11/07/73

From: manchester

Favourite Club: hard house academy (brixton)

favourite DJ: andy farley bouncy.gif

Favourite promoter: frantic

Favourite Pub: worlds end (camden)

What car do you drive: vauxhall corsa

Married/Single/With someone: single frown.gif

Partners name: see above cry.gif

Favourite position: one that involves the least amount of energy jawdrop.gif

Best friends name: katharine

Favourite food: indian

Can you cook: of course......i'm jamie olivers relative lol.gif

Favourite drink: any that get me pissed

Alcohol or drugs: please spliff.gif

What newspaper do you read: daily mirror

Favourite programme: phoenix nights thumbs.gif

Favourite film: hellraiser evil_laugh.gif

What makes you cry: credit card bills cry.gifcry.gifcry.gif

Favourite colour: blue

Favourite outfit: hipsters and platform stompers

Quick temper or plac!d: quick temper angryfire.gif

Longest time stayed out clubing: 3 days nut.gif

Best holiday/why: gran canaria....duty free fags and booze beerchug.gif

Favourite place: london or my bed sleepy.gif

Bullied at school: yes


What yer mam calls yer when she's angry: david

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Full Name: Nick G

DOB: 21/08/77

From: My Mum's Womb

Favourite Club: Aquarium (London)

favourite DJ: LTJ Bukem

Favourite promoter: *shrugs* dunno

Favourite Pub: The Pilot

What car do you drive: Golf GTi Ltd Edition

Married/Single/With someone: Single / Putting it about

Partners name: which one??? thumbs.gif

Favourite position: Horizontal

Best friends name: Golly

Favourite food: Pasta and chicken

Can you cook: Yes

Favourite drink: Vodka

Alcohol or drugs: Drugs? Behave!! shame.gif

What newspaper do you read: The Times and most 'red tops'

Favourite programme: I don't *do* TV

Favourite film: T2, Matrix, Lock Stock, Snatch etc, etc, etc .....

What makes you cry: Getting kicked in the nuts ... so i've heard

Favourite colour: Terquoise

Favourite outfit: *ignored this question as it was obviously aimed at the female contingent on the site*

Quick temper or plac!d: 50/50

Longest time stayed out clubing: Fri nite - Mon morning

Best holiday/why: Crete last year .... because it was good.

Favourite place: Home

Bullied at school: No, was mates with the *cool* ones

Nickname: Notes/ The Count

What yer mam calls yer when she's angry: NICHOLAS!!!

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Full Name: thomas andrew donohue

DOB: 14/01/82

From: ye olde edinbvrgh

Favourite Club: studio 24 (edinburgh) because it's so filthy

Favourite DJ: i don't really have one in particular

Favourite promoter: geoff

Favourite Pub: the tron (edinburgh)

What car do you drive: i don't, i walk most places

Married/Single/With someone: single

Partners name: --

Favourite position: right here

Best friends name: curt

Favourite food: curry

Can you cook: hell yes

Favourite drink: vodka neat

Alcohol or drugs: alcohol

What newspaper do you read: scotsman or the mirror

Favourite programme: neighbours

Favourite film: the goonies

What makes you cry: immense, brutal, unforgiving pain as black as the night, and as grotesque as a werewolf chasing you through a dark, evil, enchanted wood at midnight

Favourite colour: orange

Favourite outfit: hoody + combats

Quick temper or plac!d: quick

Longest time stayed out clubbing: probably 10 hours, how random

Best holiday/why: new york, because it's amazing

Favourite place: for now, probably here

Bullied at school: yes, most of the time

Nickname: dj titwank, tom d (honestly)

What yer mam calls yer when she's angry: "ohhhhh thomassss..."

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Full Name: Cerianne (kerry-anne) Jones

DOB: 26/04/85

From: Lichfield, Staffs

Favourite Club: Sundissential HQ

favourite DJ: Loads to mention but i'm into Farley @the min

Favourite promoter: um

Favourite Pub: Lloyds no.1 bar

What car do you drive: i don't yet. but i'm learnin!

Married/Single/With someone: Single and lovin it!

Partners name:

Favourite position: Me on top grin.gif

Best friends name: Claire

Favourite food: Wine Gums

Can you cook: Yep it's my job. not very good at it tho!

Favourite drink: Baileys

Alcohol or drugs: Alcohol

What newspaper do you read: erm

Favourite programme: Will and Grace

Favourite film: Stand by me

What makes you cry: oh god loads! lol

Favourite colour: pink!

Favourite outfit: my favourite jeans with everything

Quick temper or plac!d: placid

Longest time stayed out clubing: oo probably tidy weekender 1!

Best holiday/why: the one with my mate in bournemouth. we were alone and did all the things underage clubbers shouldnt!

Favourite place: By the Sea or at SS HQ

Bullied at school: not really

Nickname: Snez/Cez

What yer mam calls yer when she's angry: CERIANNE!!!!

One Day I woke Up, And I Realised That My Mind Wasn't Mine Anymore!

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here goes...


Full Name: Andrew Smith

DOB: 22nd August 1976

From: London (via China, Warwick and Lincolnshire)

Favourite Club: The End

favourite DJ: Messrs Layo & Bushwacka

Favourite promoter: err... don't really know

Favourite Pub: ? maybe The Crown... my local

What car do you drive: can't/ don't drive

Married/Single/With someone: single/ enjoying my freedom smile.gif

Partners name: n/a

Favourite position: it changes (variety is the spice of life i reckon)...

Best friends name: Alex

Favourite food: Xmas lunch with family

Can you cook: nope

Favourite drink: vodka, with most things

Alcohol or drugs: taking the 5th amendment on this one...

What newspaper do you read: guardian/ mirror

Favourite programme: ?... maybe 24 at the moment

Favourite film: Leon/ The Big Lebowski

What makes you cry: don;t cry often, but sometimes when i see/ am aware of suffering/ unhappiness... especially of people close to me

Favourite colour: don;t really have one

Favourite outfit: don;t really have one

Quick temper or plac!d: pretty chilled out really

Longest time stayed out clubing: max was about 10 hours i think...

Best holiday/why: Travelling around southern China or chilling out/ dancing on Hat Rin beach in Thailand... reasons for both: mixture of great people and amazing places!!

Favourite place: maybe The End at 2am when everyones coming up...

Bullied at school: yeah, a bit

Nickname: people call me Andrew now (but in the past 'Drew, The AndyMan, and Smithy)

What yer mam calls yer when she's angry:my mum never gets angry at me smile.gif... she's pretty chilled out too



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colin66 said:

yes another one:


Full Name:heva susan cherry



Favourite Club: neva bin 2 arve yet frown.gif

favourite DJ: dj sy not really heard much!

Favourite promoter:

Favourite Pub: squares

What car do you drive: not got 1 yet frown.gif

Married/Single/With someone: with sum1

Partners name: ryan fellows

Favourite position: ?? any!

Best friends name: dnt realy av a best m8! just av loadza close friends!

Favourite food: chinese or italian

Can you cook: erm.. abit

Favourite drink: midori n lemonde

Alcohol or drugs: drugz

What newspaper do you read: non

Favourite programme: hardware at tha moment

Favourite film: american history ex

What makes you cry: erm.... havnt cried 4 awile but last time i did woz ova ryan! n tha time b4 dat ova my dadz best m8 dyin of lung cancer so stop smokin!!!!

Favourite colour: pink

Favourite outfit: duno really??

Quick temper or plac!d: bit of both dependz wot tha situation is!

Longest time stayed out clubing: neva bin 2 a rave yet!

Best holiday/why: menorca it woz just class met sum really wiked people!

Favourite place: my room!

Bullied at school: no

Nickname: fukin hell i av loadz erm... just ask raverbaby69 or raver_baby dey no dem all i fink!if ur seriously dat deeply intrested!

What yer mam calls yer when she's angry: heather!!! but she screamz it she has bin callin me a selfish bitch rather alot lately tho!!!


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Full Name: Rebecca amelia Jones

DOB: 16/12/80

From: manchester

Favourite Club: hmm - the old garlands and heaven

Favourite DJ: lottie, any funky djs.

Favourite promoter: ??

Favourite Pub: hmm prob any sort of wine bar

What car do you drive: corsa

Married/Single/With someone: with some one

Partners name: matt

Favourite position: various

Best friends name: ben

Favourite food: steak

Can you cook: yes

Favourite drink: red wine

Alcohol or drugs: not sure at the mo, but i like champers and charles

What newspaper do you read: whatevers hanging around the canteen in work.

Favourite programme: friends

Favourite film: romeo and juliet

What makes you cry: being dumped, work

Favourite colour: pink

Favourite outfit: hmm dont know

Quick temper or plac!d: placid

Longest time stayed out clubbing: not long, maybe creamfields that was 14 hrs

Best holiday/why: prob greece with all my uni mates a couple of yrs ago

Favourite place: matts bed

Bullied at school: a bit

Nickname: la la

What yer mam calls yer when she's angry: [censored] little cunt bitch

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