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After Parties are.....

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Guyster said:

I like afterparties where I can find a fit bird to whisk up to a room and pot for the rest of the evening. grin.gif


Sadly I've never found one of these yet..... frown.gif


Thats not what you told me bout that party you had at yours once! laugh.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
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SarahPvc said:

Guyster said:

I like afterparties where I can find a fit bird to whisk up to a room and pot for the rest of the evening. grin.gif


Sadly I've never found one of these yet..... frown.gif


Thats not what you told me bout that party you had at yours once! laugh.gif


That was because, while it was a party, it was


a) not an after party (it was THE party)

B) though I was mullered, no dance music was played, unless you count the Anfield Rap....


I did however get my new year's wish grin.gif

WiLDCHiLD - where spacehoppers and pom poms rule :grin:

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wub_wub said:

Afterparties are usually ket central. Either with my Slinky mates of with KetTheWorld.com.


I think it needs to be more about chilling with a spliff than it is about doing more drugs.


Like the old days wen after party's were at 4am back at a mates house chilling with some wine and spliff.gif

Now your be lucky to get back to the house till bout 10am


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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K-hole capers are messy but funny and makes a great end to the night. pukeface.gif

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