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Fave films


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Momma...you been baaad.




Shame, shame, I know your name... laugh.giflaugh.gif


Oh and let's not forget that 'Girls just wanna have fun'


I had a friend who regularly used to perform the truffle shuffle and I always wanted a pair of slick shoes smile.gif Ah, life was so much simpler in those days.



Sow and thou shalt reap, oh brother.

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Of course the DVD has the full-length Cyndi Lauper vid for "Goonies R Good Enough". The whole nine-minute epic. But erm... it kind of, erm... drags... just a bit...


So many quality bits, too numerous to mention. "Chester Copperpot!" "Booty traps!" "Cradle... bough... break... fall!!" "Rocky...road?" And of course the bit with Mouth translating into Spanish for Rosalita is one of the funniest things ever.


Every time I see the opening credits I just go nuts laugh.gif Especially when Chunk's at the video arcade and gets excited at the police chase going past as he runs up to the window to get a look, squashing his pizza and spraying his milkshake all over himself in the process. He has only two words to say (which are cut out for TV) -- "awwww.... [censored]". Pure quality.


Right, that's it! I'm convinced. Nowt else to do on a Sunday night, I'm off to watch it! smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif


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WELL MY FAVE is toy story 2, its the only film i cant come home [censored] out of my face and watch. i used to watch it every night but it got a bit silly as i nearly memorised the whole script.


i also love romeo and juliet because of the way it was filmed, it the time it came out it was the most origional thing id seen. thees not been much like it since. i know baz lurman has been sslated for his directing but i think its great!

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These are all my favourites, depending on what sort of mood I'm in.


Pulp Fiction

Lock Stock

Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas

and of course, human traffic - every time I see that I get an urge to party hard and pollute my body with toxins!



WAIT......We can't stop here - this is bat country!

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Slap Shot is one of the best sporting films ever made. It was made in 1977 and stars Paul Newman, he plays the part of Reg Dunlop (an old has been player grin.gif /coach). Its just a story about a [censored] ice-hockey team who can't win their games fairly. They sign up three seriously geeky looking brothers who can't play hockey but can fight like bastatrds and do so at any occasion.

Well worth a watch on a sunday comedown, with a big reefa in your hand!

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I agree .....


Scum is one of the best films I have seen ever !!! Each character has a unique persona and is dealing with institutionalisation in his own way !!


Also like :




Full Metal Jacket


Terminator 1 & 2



I also like the Clint Eastwood Cowboys !! grin.gif

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no one has nominated "Blow", Johnny Depp.


Reservoir Dogs, 1st watched when consumed quite a few bits of paper wiv sumat funny on em. The film has never seemed the same since!!


Usual Suspects, phenominal




Lock Stock


+ many of the classics mentioned above


What about; Barbed Wire?



why won't my misus give me anal?

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how could anyone miss GOODFELLAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Usual Suspects - WOW

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Has anyone ever seen this on DVD - it's on two sides, and at the end of the first side this disembodied hand graphic suddenly appears with a spinning disc above it, no text. And it just stays like that.


Turns out it means "Eject the disc and turn it over".


When I first saw it I thought it meant it was turning the disc round inside the player for me. I was like "wow, dvd is quite impressive, innit". It was a good five minutes before I realised nothing was happening ...


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