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​⭐​​⭐​​⭐​ FAO: New Members - Please Read ! ​⭐​​⭐​​⭐​


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  • CTW Admin

Welcome Dedicated Clubbers ! 👍


Firstly - welcome to our wonderful site and thank you very much for signing up ! We're 100% certain you will not regret it and you will meet LOTS of really nice people on here who are into your music & clubs ...

The very first thing you should do is to post in the Welcome New Members ! forum and introduce yourself to the other members - these posts normally get a good response - especially if you let us know where you live and what clubs and music you are into.

Should you have any problems using the web site please email admin@ClubTheWorld.uk or use Contact Us on the menu above.

Private Messages (PMs)

One of the great tools in this community is the ability to send secure private messages to the other members. Your real name / email is never disclosed and its safer & quicker to use this method than email/phone etc.  No one has the ability to read your Private Messages unless they get hold of your password - so dont disclose this to anyone. Your password is encrypted and not even the CTW Admins or Moderators can access it. It’s up to you whether you delete your private messages or keep them forever ! O yeah, and your inbox is also Spam Free!

More recently we now also have a Group PM feature, which is an excellent way to discuss something in private within your circle of friends.

Live Chat

In addition to PMs we now also have a live chat feature - just keep it clean !

User Titles

When you first register your 'title' is set to 'New Member !'. This changes over time to other titles based on the number of posts you make but a lot of our members do more reading than posting and so their titles stick to the default, so 'New Member !' can be a bit mis-leading. Everyone has the opportunity to have their title changed - all you have to do is Private Message (PM) one of the Admins or Moderators with the new title you want - all we ask is that you dont get silly and want it changed every other week ! Sometimes we make up titles for people who dont have them set, but only once we've got to know them properly.

Update Your Profile

When you first register none of your profile questions will be filled in so please go to the 'My Profile' link on the menu at the top and complete as many questions as you can - you will find that people are far more likely to PM/communicate with you once they know a bit about you.

You can also change your display settings such as colours used in the forums and whether you want to be visible to other members in the Who's Online screen.


  • LOL - Laugh Out Loud
  • k - OK (why we need an abbreviation for this is beyond me!)
  • BRB - Be Right Back
  • PML/PMSL - Piss Myself Laughing
  • ROFL - Rolls On Floor Laughing
  • WTF - What The [censored] ?!
  • IMO - In My Opinion
  • LMAO - Laugh My Ass Off

Forum Rules & Guidelines

Please take a moment to read our forum rules & guidelines ...

Also take a moment to read @Dani Babyboo's Blog post about what CTW means to her ...

Finally, here are a few lovely quotes from our members ... 😁


CTW AdminClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world, together ...



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