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Are we REALLY that cliquey on CTW ???

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  • CTW Admin

Personally I think we welcome new members with open arms, that IS the whole concept of this site afterall...

but.. I'm getting more and more people saying that newbies are scared off because we all seem like one huge happy groups, not letting anyone in. I hope not.

What do you make of this ...


CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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I only joined about two weeks ago and i have found everyone really friendly, but i can see why you might finds it a bit cliquey cos everyone does seem to know everyone else. I think if you are new and get invloved i.e. post a lot e.t.c. then you wouldn't find it cliquey at all!!!!!!!

My Jaw Hurts !!!!!
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We love you CHELSEA we do
OOOOH Chelsea we love you!!!!!!!

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The only way to get to know people is to start joining in with the concersations. All of us were new members at some point when we didnt know many people and the only reason we do now is through the site and meet ups etc, isnt that why people joined in the first place to make friends?

Just have it like you know i would! :bigwink:
MSN- Geordie_becky@hotmail.com

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Going out and meeting people makes all the difference.


Thats very important.


I agree that man.

I have a lot more respect for Creamy and Wub after having met them, and then...just to name a few...a smile comes to my face when I think of Pepsi, Mitzi, Geordie_Becky & Mr_Happy, all of whom are funny in their own way when you meet them.

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If people would bother their arse to possibly post and attempt to interact a little,instead of whingeing and whineing about it being 'clikey' then their would'nt be a problem.


If your too sensitive to deal with a message board then just maybe it ain't your thang.

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  • CTW Members
Personally I think we welcome new members with open arms, that IS the whole concept of this site afterall...


but.. I'm getting more and more people saying that newbies are scared off because we all seem like one huge happy groups, not letting anyone in. I hope not.


What do you make of this ...




i always when i can.welcome new members 2 the site flash.gif

When am i not horny 😉 😊
Msn Messanger:tina_g_ukc@hotmail.com
Yahoo Messanger/Email ickle_cat_1981@yahoo.com



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  • CTW Promotors
Personally I think we welcome new members with open arms, that IS the whole concept of this site afterall...


but.. I'm getting more and more people saying that newbies are scared off because we all seem like one huge happy groups, not letting anyone in. I hope not.


What do you make of this ...




i always when i can.welcome new members 2 the site flash.gif


Yeah but they're all copied and pasted ones. To be honest, that means nothing.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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  • CTW Admin
I think if you are new and get invloved i.e. post a lot e.t.c. then you wouldn't find it cliquey at all!!!!!!!


this is a very good point - well said Sam. I wish it wasnt down to people to post loads and to push their own involvement as it never used to be like this but its innevitable that its now down to newbies to speak out and be seen because there are really just so many new members now even i cant keep up.


as you say though, once you are involved you wouldnt find it cliquey at all



CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW Admin
The only way to get to know people is to start joining in with the concersations. All of us were new members at some point when we didnt know many people and the only reason we do now is through the site and meet ups etc, isnt that why people joined in the first place to make friends?


you should be our spokesperson Beckie - EXTREMELY well put !


And that IS the sole purpose of this site - so why on earth would we turn people away / not welcome people with open arms.


nice1 thumbs.gif

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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