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Heard something terrible today

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QUOTE (russelldust @ May 26 2004, 11:16)
I pretty much agree with you Andy,
but wonder what you think about the law on drugs?

Taking certain popular recreational drugs is a victimless crime*. Speeding / dangerous driving isn't.


* N.B. Not quite true, but the negative effects of buying illegal drugs are the product of their illegality, not the nature of the drugs themselves (i.e. the fact that you are indirectly giving money to dodgy drug barons / smugglers / mafia; & the fact that you take a risk that the manufacturing process was dodgy).

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I would be warned...


if EVER you are caught in a situation where it looks like you are dealing (i.e. you have say six or more pills on you and also a fair quantity of cash) you WILL get a custodial sentence...


even if you have absolutely no form whatsover.


I'm not trying to frighten anyone just think we all get a bit too blase about the whole thing. The current approach is to be slack with dope but even harder with everything else- especially class A's...


I am trying to be ever more careful and I suggest everyone else does the same.


Sadly the law makes little distniction between victimless crimes and others.



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i dont do class A's tongue.gif


but like iv always said, if your gonna break the law, whether its killing someone or buying 2 pills.......expect to pay the price, its no-one else's fault apart from your own.


if you dont want to pay the cosiquensis (sp?) then keep your nose clean.....simple as smile.gif

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I think that is a very harsh attitude to have Louise...


I quite frankly don't think that the State should have any right to say what I can or can't do to my own body... it seems that Big Brother just gets bigger and bigger- sooner or later you'll have to apply for a licence to blow your nose.


Laws do change.

The real problem is that laws are written to protect those that need to be protected... and this catch all approach means many other people are also included...


i.e. with drugs its to try and prevent addiction and the huge link between that and crime.


It fails to recognise that there are probably hundreds of thousands of people in the country who happily get on with life and dabble without getting addicted.

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whats harsh about it?


i was bought up to know right from wrong....im doing the same to my kids, i was also bought to learn that we are responcerble for our own actions.....is that wrong?


i dont think so and to be honest you would probably telling your own child the same thing in a few years time lol.gif


as for the links with crime & addiction........ if legalised drugs are going to be shit loads more expensive to get hold of due to tax & research (NHS etc).....how is that going to cut down the crime rate?


alcohol is legal but look how many people are addicted to that?

Edited by Louise
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I seriously doubt legalisation of drugs would result in prices INCREASING.... free markets almost always result in prices falling relative to blackmarkets...


I know the difference between right and wrong but that doesn't necessarily agree with what the law says...


I can assure you when I have kids I will be frank and honest with them about many things including drugs and the pros and cons of them...


I can see where you are coming from, but I'm sorry breaking the law by purchasing class A's for your own consumption is not even remotely the same as raping someone or any other offence (and you could get similar sentences for those by the way).


Just because something is the law does not mean it is right.

Laws are made by human beings and human beings are fallible.



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but I'm sorry breaking the law by purchasing class A's for your own consumption is not even remotely the same as raping someone or any other offence (and you could get similar sentences for those by the way).



wooooo there, i havent by no means said they are the same ohmy.gif my point is you know you are breaking the law by buying drugs so you shouldnt be so shocked when it does all go tits up & you have to do time for it.


you know the law, we all do, you risk it everytime you do something you shouldnt be doing......but like iv said before its your choice, but you have to pay the consiquensis (sp?)


i should imagine the tax on 1 pill would cost more than buying a pill for £1.50 now lol.gif you know what the goverment is like tongue.gif

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QUOTE (russelldust @ May 26 2004, 13:41)
Sadly the law makes little distniction between victimless crimes and others.

^ yep. Agreed with everything you've said Russ.


And yes, a lot of people are blase & naive about possession of class A's ... you gotta be careful.


I accept responsibility for my own actions; but I resent the fact that people are put in the position where, if they want to enjoy themself in a certain way [that has fuck-all to do with anyone else] they have to commit a criminal act.


It's a bit like the dated law on sodomy - technically it's still illegal to shag a woman up the shitter. But, as far as I'm concerned, what two consenting adults get up to in the privacy of their own home is no-one else's business but their own.


nanny-state rant> smile.gif

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I'd like to see road layouts designed and signed safely with indicators of what's coming up ahead (instead of a letter demanding money from me for speeding somewhere that I have no recollection of when or where it was, really saved lives that day, good ole "safety camara").


I would like to see consistancy of speed limits, at the moment it seems to be at the whim of some counciler.


Signs that warn you when your going a little over the speed limit.


"Safety Camaras" should be moved away from school entrances, I find myself looking at the spedometer rather than what's about to wonder out infront of my car in a day dream.


Police to actually patrol, to be a visual deterant to speeding. Instead of hiding and sending out speeding tickets. It's too easy to remember where all the camaras are and speed between them.

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