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What shall I call my label?

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  • CTW Members

I have managed to con me parents into loaning me some money to set up a record label, whatever shall I call it? I was thinking Caned & Able? Ideas please!

Blah blah blah random rubbish goes here


Unlimited DJS: 01895 850157 - www.djindex.com

Check out the site at http://www.djcrunchie.co.ukDon't forget to leave a messgae in my guestbook cheers!

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  • CTW Members

Hmmmmm, Caned and Unable is the name of a HiGate tune, it may get easily confused...


What's wrong with Crunchie Records??? (or does that exhist already?) confused.gif

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  • CTW Members

It's going to be the bouncy end of hard house.......

Blah blah blah random rubbish goes here


Unlimited DJS: 01895 850157 - www.djindex.com

Check out the site at http://www.djcrunchie.co.ukDon't forget to leave a messgae in my guestbook cheers!

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  • CTW Members

ive just gone back to a childhood memory when you talked about bouncy house....spacehopper...remember those as a kid, or im showing my age now...anyway, i kinda like the ring to that and thats my creative edge over for the day.. bouncy.gif

Dance hard, work less, play tomorrow and sleep the next day

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  • CTW DJs
I have managed to con me parents into loaning me some money to set up a record label, whatever shall I call it? I was thinking Caned & Able? Ideas please!


Up & Over Recordings!! spliff.gif

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  • CTW DJs

Called mine MDC Studios which is my initals..


Another good thing to do, look on the back of food packaging or bodyspray cans or something, sometimes theres words on there which sounds just right, i've named a new of my choons that way, also know of a few people who have made of their DJ names like that...Worth a try nod.gif

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"always read the label"


"may cause drowsyness"


has ne1 ever read the warning to headache tablets? some of the side effects r worse than the headache to start with - i sware 1 packet even warned "may cause headaches" its like wtf is the point in taking it if it gives u a headache?? laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • CTW Members

I've decided to call it "HeadHz" which stands for Head Hertz!


Whaddya fink?

Blah blah blah random rubbish goes here


Unlimited DJS: 01895 850157 - www.djindex.com

Check out the site at http://www.djcrunchie.co.ukDon't forget to leave a messgae in my guestbook cheers!

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  • CTW DJs
dj_elemental said:

Called mine MDC Studios which is my initals..


Another good thing to do, look on the back of food packaging or bodyspray cans or something, sometimes theres words on there which sounds just right, i've named a new of my choons that way, also know of a few people who have made of their DJ names like that...Worth a try nod.gif



My last mix cd was called "creation control" which I got from the tub of my fructis hair gel lol....

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