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Isit true, that if your a good dancer...


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no its the same 4 all the ages, if they are nearly say 14 then they r rising 13. i dunno y they do it they just do! i suppose its a way of tellin people that they are nearly like the next one up, if ya know wot i mean!

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raverbaby69 said:

piebald = his colour (black an white 4 u non horsey people!)


He looks like a cow!


Raverbaby has promised a picture of me with her COW looking horse when we meet! thumbs.gif

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When we meet = wen i meet her horsey cow...

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well a horse gets broken in (thats wen u start 2 ride them) wen they r 4 years old (unles they r a race horse wen its about 10months i think) an basically the older a horse is the more experianced it is and the more suitable 4 beginner riders. like u wud neva but a beginner rider on a 4 yr old horse! i bought my horse wen he woz 5 yrs old and ive had him for 4 1/2 years now!

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Mr_Moo said:

When we meet = wen i meet her horsey cow...


ull get a smack in the face if u call my horse a cow wen im there! angryfire.gif


other than his colour he is nothing like a cow!

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Non-horsey people make me laugh!


He's stunning i'm even more jealous now! How long u had him? do u train him everyday? or is he shared?


I havent got time 2 go 2 stables everyday, thats why i got rid of my pony when i was younger! Was thinking of part-owning!


My mate works in Darlington, training race-horses, shes also training 2 b a jockey, she just got bak from newmarket!

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raverbaby69 said:

Mr_Moo said:

When we meet = wen i meet her horsey cow...


ull get a smack in the face if u call my horse a cow wen im there! angryfire.gif


other than his colour he is nothing like a cow!


Except when he moo's!

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Mr_Moo said:

raverbaby69 said:

Mr_Moo said:

When we meet = wen i meet her horsey cow...


ull get a smack in the face if u call my horse a cow wen im there! angryfire.gif


other than his colour he is nothing like a cow!


Except when he moo's!


pmsl laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


(ur so gonna get punished 4 saying that tho) laugh.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

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im really really lucky bcuz most coloured hav bad conformation and he has perfect conformation, we always win coloured classes that i go in on him!


i used 2 look after him myself but now he's on part loan 2 a riding school and in return 4 them using him on their lessons, they pay 4 the majority of his keep. i normally try an go down once or twice a week, more in the holidays. these days i just dont hav time 2 look after him myself with college an everything. annoyin thing is all the gud work i do schooling him is completely undone by all the other people that ride him! it pisses me off so much.


ull hav 2 come down and ride him someday. he's a lovely horse 2 ride, very good manners, and very willing! put it this way, he's very enthusiastic. u dont need a lot of leg but sumtimes his brakes can b a bit of a problem!

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