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to be honest, i don't want to get involved either........... otherwise if i let rip on the verbals, quite a few people will have to extract me from the ceiling fan and ban me off the site.


and that is what i don't want to do...... shame.gifbiting.gif

always there for the beer, but not wanting to pay!!

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Reality of race


Mankind is divided into races, and those races, while sharing many common features of humanity, are innately different in many ways beyond mere colour. Despite the propaganda of neo-Marxist academic and media prostitutes, and the cowardice of conservatives who dare not stand up to the totalitarian bullying of Political Correctness, this is a fact. Whether those differences are God-given or the result of evolutionary pressure is irrelevant.


The most important first consequence of our acceptance of innate human differences is our recognition that nationality, while it is influenced by many factors – including shared loyalties, common history, religious heritage and personal identification – is first and foremost decided by ethnicity.


Norman Tebbitt’s ‘cricket test’ would be a valid indicator if only small numbers were involved, but in an era of mass migrations such civic nationalism is not enough either to explain history or to avoid the repetition at some stage in the future of the most common consequence of multi-racial ‘experiments’ – the collapse of social cohesion leading to mayhem, mass murder and genocide. And, even if, by some miraculous suspension of the depressingly familiar historic pattern, we could avoid such horrors, we would still oppose mass immigration for two reasons:

First, our Masters never asked us if we wanted it and, second, we don’t. This isn’t a matter of ‘racism’; it’s simply a fact of human nature. The divine or Darwinian pressures which created different races in the first place also very clearly created the innate human tendency to prefer ‘us’ to ‘them’ as the way in which such differences would be preserved. So while we don’t hate other peoples, we would rather mix with our own. In a nutshell, we want to walk down our streets and see the familiar faces which a hundred generations would all have recognised as ‘British’ –and all normal people of all races feel the same way.


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just been away on hols (yes to a foreign place alisdair) and just read this....sorry to piss on your parade but face the music ...there is a real threat from muslim extremists and sorry mate but that is real life,,,enjoy rolleyes.gif

the machines will rise again!!!

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trout69 said:

...alisdair...sorry to piss on your parade but face the music ...there is a real threat from muslim extremists and sorry mate but that is real life


a couple of comments:


my name's spelled "alasdair". you can even use cut and paste if you can't be arsed to type it all out.


you apologised for what you said twice in your post - does that suggest you're not sure you believe what you are saying or you feel, somehow, bad for feeling the way you do? if so, why?


i don't feel like you are "pissing on my parade". i don't even think this is my parade, whatever that means. smile.gif


i agree with you that there is a threat from muslim extremists and that this is part of real life. do you think sending "them all" back is the solution?


it's part of real life that people get murdered. should we just lock everybody in the UK in prison now to prevent that happening too?


this whole "send them all back" position is so obviously based on knee-jerk bigotry as opposed to any kind of well-considered argument that addresses the real issues.


thanks for your post



"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

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morphius69 said:

This isn’t a matter of ‘racism’; it’s simply a fact of human nature. The divine or Darwinian pressures which created different races in the first place also very clearly created the innate human tendency to prefer ‘us’ to ‘them’...

I am fascinated by Darwin but you can't cite evolution as sole justification for your prejudices. Animals have all kinds of unpleasant tendencies (to rape, kill etc) but as humans we have the capacity to rise above our biological instincts.


Alasdair, I agree with pretty much everything you said there. thumbs.gif


Anyway, this is a slight tangent to the original topic, but all we seem to hear about is "Muslim extremists". There are plenty of other extremists in the world, for example ultra-Orthodox Jews in Israel who are just as bad as the Palestinians. But most people don't give a [censored] because that doesn't affect us...

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liquideyes said:

morphius69 said:

This isn’t a matter of ‘racism’; it’s simply a fact of human nature. The divine or Darwinian pressures which created different races in the first place also very clearly created the innate human tendency to prefer ‘us’ to ‘them’...


I am fascinated by Darwin but you can't cite evolution as sole justification for your prejudices. Animals have all kinds of unpleasant tendencies (to rape, kill etc) but as humans we have the capacity to rise above our biological instincts.


i think the 'divine' or 'darwinist' explanation is also a convenient get out - while the survival of the fittest is a logical explanation for predatory and other animal behaviour, humans are surely the only species who will kill one of their own because of a difference in belief?


i guess many people are content to excuse their own parochial view as an extension of their very nature. others, however, recognise that we're all human and that geographic borders are a purely human construct.


maybe it is idealist - and it's certainly simplistic - but we're all human and the world would surely be a better place if the energy that went into hating and killing others simply because they are different found a more constructive focus?



"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

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rickd said:

Surely Darwinism and survival of the fittest are the same thing???


certainly. but morphius said (or perhaps implied) that darwinism is an explanation for racism/patriotism/whatever.


my counterpoint is that humans will hate and kill over a difference in belief and i can't see any way in which darwinism provides a reasonable explanation for why this would be the case.


i think it's a cop-out.



"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

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alasdairm said:

rickd said:

Surely Darwinism and survival of the fittest are the same thing???


certainly. but morphius said (or perhaps implied) that darwinism is an explanation for racism/patriotism/whatever.


my counterpoint is that humans will hate and kill over a difference in belief and i can't see any way in which darwinism provides a reasonable explanation for why this would be the case.


i think it's a cop-out.




Fair point!


Am bored with this thread now...Is getting far too philisophical(sp?)

But there have been some good views put across from all sides, enough to make me question my own ethics. scratchchin.gif

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All arguments can be broken down to a matter of philosophy.


E.g. the raging "hard house is [censored]" / "no it's not" debate ultimately comes down to the following philosophical conundrum:


How do you define quality?

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jon_m said:

alot of shite has been written in this post but i think its best if i stay out of this one to be honest my extreme views may disturb some of you!


Well worth mentioning then. thumbs.gif

I don't do much on this planet, but David Blaine has taught me that I could do less!!

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