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Since beeing introduced to the net by iamhardhouse,i've never felt better. yay.gificon_yippee.gifbouncy.gif

i've met so many nice genuine clubbers all with the same frames of mind and every one is so on the level. nod.gif

i was getting so pissed off with the way clubbing was going till i met up with ctw,i met most people at vibealite and feel so much better for knowing who it is i'm chatting to or replying to. scratchchin.gif

So more meetups round the club sceen would be an advantage to the people who are say new to this like i was not so long ago.

i'd like to get to know more of the crew so as i can chat to any one bout whatever but at the same time know who the other person is.

So i think a moderator of meet ups should be appointed so those who acctualy want to meet up can do so all over the club sceen. grouphug.gifcuddle.gif

there's no real organised meetups really like at vibealite it was announced that we was to meet in the hard house room arranged by sarah and we got no lite of it atall. thumbsdown.gif


so anyways more meetups to be properly organised for the future of ctw. grouphug.gif

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  • CTW Members

i think creamy is meant 2 b member relations or sumamt, is that the same thing?

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occasionalcharlie said:

Since beeing introduced to the net by iamhardhouse,i've never felt better. yay.gificon_yippee.gifbouncy.gif

i've met so many nice genuine clubbers all with the same frames of mind and every one is so on the level. nod.gif

i was getting so pissed off with the way clubbing was going till i met up with ctw,i met most people at vibealite and feel so much better for knowing who it is i'm chatting to or replying to. scratchchin.gif

So more meetups round the club sceen would be an advantage to the people who are say new to this like i was not so long ago.

i'd like to get to know more of the crew so as i can chat to any one bout whatever but at the same time know who the other person is.

So i think a moderator of meet ups should be appointed so those who acctualy want to meet up can do so all over the club sceen. grouphug.gifcuddle.gif

there's no real organised meetups really like at vibealite it was announced that we was to meet in the hard house room arranged by sarah and we got no lite of it atall. thumbsdown.gif


so anyways more meetups to be properly organised for the future of ctw. grouphug.gif


As soon as this has been setup by James all member meetups will be displayed on a sub-front page linked from the main page. This will direct you to ALL member meet-ups nationwide. There will then be sub sub heading which will take you direct to the full details of the meet-up. From there, there will be a list of options:


a) A link to direct you to the thread on the forums


B) An email address of the person who is organising the particular meet-up (or via PM) to confirm your attendance.


c) The mobile number (if permission is given) of the person organising the meetup so you can either text or call them.


The reasons why this is about to happen is that posts on the board can get messy, the meet-up details can change on a certain post 30 or so posts down but the first post (which most people look at) doesn't get updated therefore causes a conflict in details, meetup times, meetup places, people attending. It gets very confusing. There will be a central point where all updated details will go, on the dedicated page diverted from the main CTW front page. There is currently a problem with loading images but I'm hoping James can rectify this ASAP and will be up and running soon.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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  • CTW Admin

Re: More Meet-ups


I personally think we need to have less of the CTW arranged (i.e. by me/kev/sarah) meet-ups, less frequent, but far better planned. Quite a few of the recent attempts have fallen through or have been bad attendance. Bare in mind we're still fairly new to this game but I will be working with Kev closely on this very soon (as soon as I've migrated the site across to the new servers).


Its of upmost importance to us that we put in place properly planned trips for everyone as it is this which is the essence of the site and making it grow. Its crucial that we STICK to dates and that we carry the trips through - 1 person giving us a bad name could lead to 50 not bother joining etc...


Obviously the weekly clubbing meets you all arrange between you are going on as well smile.gif

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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  • CTW Members

i love meeting up with people, it's so good to get to know the people u chat to all day on websites


so def think that there should be more meet ups, the only thing is i always get too wasted and forget to find the people i'm meant to be meetin

i need it hard, fast and now!!!!!!
msn c10dagh@hotmail.com

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