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a new female dj has landed!!

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  • CTW DJs

Hi all.. I am new to CTW.

It looks like a great website and a brilliant way to get mixing with other djs, and hopefully get me more gigs about the country smile.gif

Nice to have joined!

Sarah x



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  • CTW Members

Welcome to the site, me dear! Hope you enjoy it.


Your pic looks a bit like the young girl who works for audrey in the hairdressers on corrie..


Anyway.. pleasure to "meet" u! wavey.gif

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  • CTW Members
Cherry said:

Your pic looks a bit like the young girl who works for audrey in the hairdressers on corrie..



Hi there, just reading ur website. VERY impressive!


Enjoy ur stay here.


Me and Creamy and others are always serious.

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  • CTW Members
Miss_Naughty_DJ said:

Hi all.. I am new to CTW.

It looks like a great website and a brilliant way to get mixing with other djs, and hopefully get me more gigs about the country smile.gif

Nice to have joined!

Sarah x



harddance and techno? i'm intreeged. ne cd's or online mixes floating about?

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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  • CTW Members
Miss_Naughty_DJ said:

Hi all.. I am new to CTW.

It looks like a great website and a brilliant way to get mixing with other djs, and hopefully get me more gigs about the country smile.gif

Nice to have joined!

Sarah x



hi.gifhay babe good to see you've finally joined!!!


everybody be nice to her!!! oh and watch out for moo he's a pikey and will try and sell you a dag!!!! rotfl.gif

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  • CTW Members
Mr_Happy said:

[harddance and techno? i'm intreeged. ne cd's or online mixes floating about?


Have u bothered to read her website?

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  • CTW Members

Only skag bags call lol.gif

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  • CTW Members
Highlander said:

Miss_Naughty_DJ said:

Hi all.. I am new to CTW.

It looks like a great website and a brilliant way to get mixing with other djs, and hopefully get me more gigs about the country smile.gif

Nice to have joined!

Sarah x



hi.gifhay babe good to see you've finally joined!!!


everybody be nice to her!!! oh and watch out for moo he's a pikey and will try and sell you a dag!!!! rotfl.gif


shite you talk to callum!! rolleyes.giflol.gif


welcome to the site and all that jazz

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  • CTW Promotors
hi.gif Hiya sarah, welcome to the world of maddnes!!! enjoy!! Off to check this website out now!!! spliff.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Admin

Hi Sarah & welcome to the site - pleased you found it smile.gif

CTW AdminClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world, together ...

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  • CTW Admin

agreed - we need more female DJs smile.gif

CTW AdminClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world, together ...

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