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Need ur help please people!

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879 said:

u kidding right? u mean u dont have idea how to use any programs for edditing the pics?


we arent all clever u know. i can manage getting on CTW and sending e mails. full stop. scratchchin.gif

sarcasm is the lowest form off wit. if wit was [censored] you would be constipated

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send it 2 moo!!


on his email addy at bottom of his sign off he will do it 4 u hun!!! thumbs.gif

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we arent all clever u know. i can manage getting on CTW and sending e mails. full stop.
come on its basic, i mean u just re-size the image and that all, i mean if he was asking something like what the differents betwen html and dhtml or something like that, ok, buit this is just the image, u can do it in paint shop
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Just open it up on paint, and you can either resize it or cut it.


To resize it click on "Images" at the top and scroll down to "Stretch/Skew" and then just type in how much you want to reduce it by.


OR...you can just cut it using the square icon thingy in the toolbar, then right click, select "cut" then go to tho menus at the top, select "file", then "new" then right click again then and select "paste".


Best thing I can suggest is practice until you can do it...its not that hard really.

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  • CTW Members
879 said:

we arent all clever u know. i can manage getting on CTW and sending e mails. full stop.
come on its basic, i mean u just re-size the image and that all, i mean if he was asking something like what the differents betwen html and dhtml or something like that, ok, buit this is just the image, u can do it in paint shop


banghead.gifI hav tried re sizin it U try hard clubber (coz bein thats sumthing to be proud of!) but it still says it too fukin big! Either help or piss off and dont post, im in a bad mood as it is! angryfire.gif


Hia Bee T. wavey.gif Im gona PM u in min. Thought id cum and cya this week if ya not busy.


And Hia Tidy Tart wavey.gif, Im gona giv it another bash at makin it smaller and if I still cant do it Ill send it to Moo. Cheers hun.

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hey jem


u need 2 make the pic 80x80!!


if u still avin probs just send it 2 moo he'll help!!


hope u ok?

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Mr_Ginge said:

Just open it up on paint, and you can either resize it or cut it.


To resize it click on "Images" at the top and scroll down to "Stretch/Skew" and then just type in how much you want to reduce it by.


OR...you can just cut it using the square icon thingy in the toolbar, then right click, select "cut" then go to tho menus at the top, select "file", then "new" then right click again then and select "paste".


Best thing I can suggest is practice until you can do it...its not that hard really.


Cheers Mr Ginge, thumbs.gifim gona giv that a bash now. Thats the kinda info I was needin. Not sum clever arse try harder!

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