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FAO: Rick D


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  • CTW Admin
you said: And you wonder why people lose respect for you and what you are trying to do with this site James...


Eh? confused.gif


I've never wondered this point at all - in fact I wasnt aware that people had lost respect for me and/or lost respect for the site confused.gif


names and/or numbers of people with problem(s) please (with reasons ideally)



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ricks hasd some valid (not nessesserry agreeable) points up to now, but i cant see how that statement is true


if ne thing i have more respect as u've finally got ur arse in gear and taken control of ctw away from us and done what YOU want with it thumbs.gif

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James I have my veiws on all this, but set an example and dont bring it back up on the board with a fao, it could be done by PM.

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  • CTW Promotors
rickd said:

As everyone else has stated James, I will do this in PM if you are willing to even send me a PM... This is unlikely as even last time, you got Kev to do it instead... shrug.gif


He didn't ask me mate, I thought it would be a good idea. I still haven't had that PM you wrote that got deleted in the forum hack.

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CreamyC said:

rickd said:

As everyone else has stated James, I will do this in PM if you are willing to even send me a PM... This is unlikely as even last time, you got Kev to do it instead... shrug.gif


He didn't ask me mate, I thought it would be a good idea. I still haven't had that PM you wrote that got deleted in the forum hack.

I know mate, but then I lost your PM you sent me and I forgot most of what you had put in it, let alone what my reply was... I couldn't remember everything I had written, so didn't see as it was worth it... Maybe I should have done it though after this latest round of bullshit from him...

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  • CTW Admin

Rick posted that publicly, so i wanted to make it clear, publicly, that i havent a clue what he's talking about.


I have no intention of PMing or debating anything further with Rick D.


end of.


Rick, you are on your 1st warning - i'm not taking these comments like 'his bullshit' anymore

CTW AdminClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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