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FAO raverbaby_69


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coo eee!! wavey.gif


(got your attention at last!...... shame.gif )



right, down to basics.


1) the feasability of having a bar/club in Preton is 80-90% good IF THE BAR/CLUB ALSO HAS INTERNET ACCESS IN THE DAYTIME! I've studied this for a number of years for Liverpool, but came to the conclusion that Liverpool was too saturated with bar/clubs which had internet access.. frown.gif

so I've turned to Hanley in Stoke (where i'm living now) and seen quite a few places that could (with a little bit of money) be re-vamped (or changed round) a bit to make the certain buildings have all 3 accessible.


2) If you're wanting to go down this road properly, PLEASE PHONE ME on my mobile number or please e-mail me for my ideas ( advice and guidance about getting everything sorted into one projct file, sending it to Princs Trust for guidance and funding, how to ask your 'friendly' bank manager for a business loan etc. etc. etc.



3 I would GLADLY play for you on a weekly basis BUT NOT AT WHAT I SAID PER NIGHT 'COZ I WAS JOKING!!!! rolleyes.gifshake.gif i would love to play for free........ yes.gifyes.gifyes.gifyay.gifsmash.gifbumshake.gifspliff.gifwavey.gifhump.gifnotworthy.gifmoon.gifcheers.gifdrunk.gifdrunk.gifdrunk.gifdrunk.gif




normal service is now resumed, thank you for this inonvienince........ spliff.gifyay.gifyay.gifyay.gifyay.gif

Edited by djianw

always there for the beer, but not wanting to pay!!

Mobile number: 07990 - 936181 (bannanas 'r' us)
e-mail: hunter@merseymail.com
or: Mulder_1971@hotmail.com

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Exqueeze me?

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