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Serious & WiLDCHiLD (17th January & 6th February 2004)


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anna18 said:

I will try and go to Serious. Wildchild I'm not too sure about. There's just too many [censored] kids running around. The Cross is much more sophisticated.


[censored] kids?? sorry are you 46?? disappointed.gif


im 22...been clubbing for 4 years now and wilchild is one of the best club nights ive ever been to as its a club for the clubbers.....which means fun.


i will be doing whatever everyone else is doing..so if that means wildchild then serious im doing that...


as long as i end up at twist im happy! grin.gif

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addy2hotty said:

This is a looooong thread.


So who is actually going to Serious, and don't mind me tagging along, let me know!!




just look at the 'future events' section x

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Belinda said:


what do you mean "If"!!!


for the record...one of me is more than enough! you should know that by now... wink.gif


Well, you're ageless, aren't you? No-one knows your age, so I'm guessing you are closer to thirty than twenty.


I know one is enough, but does Tony? think.gif

Walks quietly but carries a big Fin.


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back from the gym...


I quite like going to places where there are f*cked up kids. Makes it a lot more fun- I'd rather go somewhere where people are having a genuinely good time (pilled up or not) than some of these places where you just go to be 'seen'.


The pre-Wildchild meet up at P&P- will there be DJs there or is it a drinks and conversation kind of vibe? (said in my best David Brent voice)


Highlight of my day so far? picking up my bike with her new wheels, tyres and seat (boy does she look great).



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Sounds like you are going to the two best places like that in London!


As for the pre-Wildchild meet, it will be drinking and conversation mainly. Still good though. The Ruby lounge meet (pre-Serious) will be conversation, drink and a few lazy beats.


Highlight of my day will be going home shortly.

Walks quietly but carries a big Fin.


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I used to live just off the Holloway Road- just behind the University of London. Now live just north off Old St roundabout behind Moorfields Eye Hospital- great for walking to clubs- Turnmills, Fabric, Cargo, 333, Herbal etc...


north london rules


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Sophie said:

woo hello!


i am from holloway road! just up the road from you!!!


i think there are quite a few of us that are going to serious so shoud be a good night1 i think people normally meet in the ruby lounge!!!


Go away.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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Don said:

No-one knows your age


I do wink.gif

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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  • ClubTheWorld changed the title to Serious & WiLDCHiLD (17th January & 6th February 2004)

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