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Where were you when events of 9/11 happened ?


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  • CTW Moderators

I completely forgot that was the date yesterday (and I felt really bad about that sad.gif ) untill I was watching the news at my brothers house.


But, where were you when it happened ?


My dad and I were sitting flicking through the cable channels to see what was on, and we got to CNN and seen the first Twin on fire, didn't know what it was at forst so we flicked over, and there was a newsflash on another channel about it. So we switched back over to CNN where we watched and seen the second plane fly into the second Twin.



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  • CTW DJs
QUOTE (Maria @ Sep 12 2004, 12:37)
My dad and I were sitting flicking through the cable channels to see what was on

Why weren't you at work...? baz.gif

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I was in bed after a long night shift the night before and I was living at my brothers house. I woke up at about 1pm and my brother looked horrified and told me what happened. I just looked and said "Never mind"...call me heartless, I may be, but it didnt really bother me at all. shrug.gif

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I was in a pub opposite work getting pissed - it was all very surreal and not nice !

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  • CTW DJs

Maria, I was just curious. smile.gif I should think the majority of people were at work at the time, given that it was a workday, and not a typical holiday season.


We used to listen to Radio One at work, over the internet, so we heard the news as it happened.

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i was in bed asleep but my room mate dragged me out of bed. we sat by the tv all day watching the events unfold. it was all a little surreal.


i recall saerching for the bbc coverage on cable because the US news coverage was incredibly jingoistic from the start.



"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

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I'd only been back from a month with the Shooting team for a couple of days and was just on my way back from the shops, when I heard the news on the radio. I raced home and saw it all unfold, I was shocked. I also thought it would mean I'd be called up fulltime, thankfully that didn't happen and here I am today.

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i was taking a piss.


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i was in school, about to go to the gym, and then i decided that it was better viewing than exercise (not in a morbid way tho as thankfully i never actually saw people jumping from the top floors or other horrific sights like that)


i had to explain to some of the twats in the lower years that actually it wasn't cool and no it should not happen to anyone, whether they are american or not


i made sure that every1 coming back from sports knew what had happened, as it is one of those events which will be a landmark in any1's who was old enough to remember it memory


Definitely not a day i will forget

I was going to post a gag about flagellation, necrophilia and bestiality but it's just flogging a dead horse.

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i was on my work experience


but i didnt actually find out till i got on the bus to go home when i heard all my mates all talkin about it........didnt really bother me untill i got home and turned the tv on and saw the mess


People say i have a drinkin problem, I like to call it a gift.

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